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  1. The pi is excellent for watching anything tbh it will play anything you can throw at it. You need to be aware though that going through the xbmc menus on the pi compared to say a pc is a bit slower so you need a bit of patience at times but after I over clocked mine and started running it from a usb stick it made alot of difference to the speed and In fact plays hd content better than my htpc.
  2. This ia how to install fusion whuch should give you primewire and icefilms and navi x http://youtu.be/h5eIBVbWPK8 And this is how to install istream and cartoon hd and for mashup you follow the same process but add http://unstable.mashupxbmc.com as the source. If you get stuck you can email me at radders82@hotmail.co.uk and I can go through with you as I haven't paid my fiver so this is my last post today
  3. You can use navi x for sports or sports devil on fusion buy I found that there were alot of dead links or just not very good streams so opted to pay for offside streams which is not perfect but will do for me atm.
  4. Movies- mashup, icefilms, istream, cartoon hd TV programmes - mashup, primewire (1 channel), I stream. That is all you need tbh
  5. If you use http://xfinity.xunitytalk.com as a source there is a tool on there to backup to either a place on your network or a usb dongle. This is mainly used by box resellers to have a standard setup the link is here http://xunitytalk.com/showthread.php?t=5578. Also as just running the pi of the an sd card makes it alot slower as it uses alot of memory. I am running openelec with turbo overclock and using a usb stick as storage even though I'm just streaming you notice the difference In speed. Also with the pi if your TV has hdmi cec for example samsung it is called anynet you can use your TV remote to control the pi. Or if you want to use your phone Yatse remote is by far the best for xbmc but I think only available on android
  6. I would suggest using a usb 3.0 dongle for storage and just use the sd card to boot as it runs alot quicker by doing this
  7. I can vouch for the wipi it works for me
  8. With a pi you need to download the zip file for the sportsnation repository and then within xbmc you install from zip file. It's really is very simple. Join the xunity forum also the tvaddons forum (kodi) and there are guides on there as well as on YouTube.
  9. Made the daily fail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2622274/Luke-Shaw-treats-Burger-King-just-two-hours-Southampton-victory.html
  10. Yes it is £10.99 per month all in tbh I am not sure why they have free channels on there as you can't view the streams until you enter a user and password anyway Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  11. http://channelstatus.weebly.com/upcoming-events.html Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  12. You could try http://streamtvbox.com/site/ which I currently use only £10.99 per month and you can cancel at any time so if no contract. I have just canceled sky and watch all saints prem matches, and much more. Just have a look at the channel list and they have nbc sports Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  13. This website gives you all the games and what channel they are televised if any http://liveonsat.com/quickindex.html Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  14. What makes you say that? It's the same stones song in that instagram video of osvaldo as was mentioned in post 50 of this thread in august. Maybe a coincidence? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  15. I think someone from the saints media dept has been reading this forum Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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