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Everything posted by Minty

  1. That's a completely ****e analogy.
  2. Imagine this is 'QI' and I'm Stephen Fry... and now the alarm is going off and 'Fence' is flashing up on the screen in big letters. Predictable.
  3. Yep, that's it, tell the Academy scouts and coaches to tone it down a bit... stop producing players who are so good. Reduce the quality a bit, that's better for us. Jeez, really?
  4. lol, ok... Any suggestions? (I'm going to regret this)
  5. Dunc, I have never said to not be disappointed by losing players. We're all different and deal with that dissapointment differently. I recognise that. I have simply always stated that the judgements that are being passed on the club as a result, are premature, and that until we've seen what signings are made, and how we go next season, it is unfair that the club gets so roundly criticised by some when a sale is made. 'Raw passion' is a subjective term. Just because I don't display traits that you perhaps think a fan should, doesn't make me any less of a fan. All I do is try to look at the bigger picture, the long term. As for the statement, this is a classic case of damned if they do... they have to say something, and whatever they say was bound to get criticised by someone. A bit of maturity in reading these things wouldn't go amiss. And also, nowhere have I said it is about money in the bank... but football is a business and that money can help us in other ways, be it buying players, developing others, and more. I am just trying to provide some counterbalance to the fact that some people seem to want to criticise everything the club come out with on days like today without taking a moment to consider the bigger picture. Oh and I do criticise when I feel it is justified on balance... in fact we've had this conversation before Dunc, but it's only at times like these when you think I don't, that you choose to reply to my posts.
  6. I'm not getting into it, suffice to say that writing off an entire league is rather silly.
  7. Situation normal. Damned if they do...
  8. If the Netherlands performances in the World Cup so far are anything to go on, then bring on the mediocrity.
  9. Well, at the risk of repeating myself, until we get to the Liverpool game, I have no idea who will take the to field for us, but as a result I'm not going to start making judgements now. Chambers came from nowhere last pre-season, so who knows if others might do the same this year? Add in some recruits, perhaps the likes of JWP will have progressed. Harry Reed, Mcqueen perhaps? I don't know. But this automatic assumption from some that we're doomed is too easy, and frankly, mostly based on knee-jerk reactions to losing two key players. I understand that, but as a result now is not the time for those people to be debating what will happen next season.
  10. And the money from that sale will hopefully go towards exactly that. Win/win potentially.
  11. Hardly celebrating bears, just pointing out how well it reflects on our Academy.
  12. How the hell have you got to that? He's right - selling an Academy product for such a large fee clearly does endorse the work our Academy does. It doesn't mean we don't already know how successful the Academy is, it just endorses it further. Is there some kind of competition going on to find as many possible angles to bash the club from that I don't know about it? Every single quote seemingly jumped upon.
  13. Don't be too hard on yourselves, I'm sure you'll be able to pick a few players released from Blue Square sides so you can field a team.
  14. Don't worry, I was only joking, it's blindingly obvious why he is asking.
  15. Await the mass response of people who don't think it is a good deal... but I for one agree with him.
  16. Or maybe he's asking for some completely different reason?
  17. He kept our ****ing watch! Get that back off him!
  18. You have a great knack of finding more negatives to attach to the many that are already flying about Dunc! lol Would anyone dare to compare Koeman with Branfoot?
  19. And yet most of your posts of late have seemingly focused on your desire to inform us all how bad it's going to be. I thought your emo days were behind you?
  20. You have a lovely way of making it sound like you're pleased about it.
  21. No one has been conned. Players leaving is disappointing, but anyone who thought no one would leave only conned themselves. The board have an overall strategy, part of that is clearly to make as much money from certain players *if* the club feel it is in their best interests to sell. Any club would do the same. Only time will tell if it works out for us, but to take such a suspicious view at this point takes a special kind of cynicism.
  22. Would be good to know the numbers to go with those bars, to get some idea of the volume of tweets. Or is there somewhere and I can't see it?
  23. Clearly Shaw and Lallana ARE off, let's not be silly about it.
  24. And now swung the other way with news of Lallana's medical. Although most of the words are now in orange? Good work bletch, I like it.
  25. It probably has more to do with them joining 'bigger' clubs, which no one can really argue with. Koeman's arrival is more important for how he takes Southampton forward, not just for trying to keep players who were practically out of the door already. I for one am just going to wait until the season starts before judging our squad and our chances.
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