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Everything posted by Minty

  1. How many sold for Saturday? At this rate, it looks like only Davies, but possibly Skacel or Euell too if someone pulls their finger out. Sorry, I'll get my coat.
  2. If true, (nothing concrete to go on yet) I would of course be absolutely gutted to lose him, but one player does not make a team. Either we sulk about it, or we deal with it and move on.
  3. I think that's a very fair point and I alluded to something similar when i said that we need the lads to keep their heads up and realise that they are doing a lot of good things that need to be maintained... however we clearly need to add to that to start getting results.
  4. To be honest, I don't put a timescale on it... I just expect to see some consistent improvement over the course of the season. I always said during pre-season, that this year would be a tough one and that I'd settle for mid-table obscurity... two games in and nothing changes that... i shaln't be amking any judgements until at least 10 games in and even then, it won't be a finite judgment, more of a rolling judgement on our progress to date.
  5. Very disappointing to have played so well first half and then to lose, but it's important we learn from this. We clearly have a lot of qualities which were on show first half and it's important to not lose sight of that. But we need to become a bit more savvy when teams change their approach and adapt to our game. Far from some peoples opinion, I don't see the situation as being irrecoverable... After just two games it seems we're playing some very good football going forward that hasn't been seen for a few years. We just need to get our heads down and work on the things that aren't quite right. If we weren't creating any chances at all and getting smashed I'd be more concerned.
  6. Gutted. Lots of things to take from this game. It's clear that when we get it right, we can create chances and put pressure on strong opposition. But when we get it wrong, we struggle to turn things around and let the momentum build up against us. Sod the doom and gloom... this has been very disappointing but we have to learn from it and prevent, as Dave Merrington just said, fear creeping in, because that can really stifle a team.
  7. I agree to a small degree, but I don't think it's complacency that settles in at all, just more that we're not (yet) able to adapt when our opposition changes things to cope with our play. It takes time to develop a team and whilst I'm gutted to lose (assuming we do) we have to take the positives from it, but also work on the negatives in a constructive way to put things right in the coming games.
  8. I know, dont worry. You'll never change me though, I just don't see the point of dwelling on negatives when we can still go out and get something from a game.
  9. Good for you. I hope you're happy.
  10. Right, come on Saints. Nothing to lose now. Need to find some composure, some confidence on the ball and try to create some chance like first half.
  11. If it wasn't so annoying, it'd be funny...
  12. First f*cking touch... unbelievable.
  13. Boos ringing out... Kevin Phillips coming on. Uh oh. lol
  14. BTW, just for alpine: Southampton Birmingham 4(2) Shots (on Goal) 4(4) 10 Fouls 6 3 Corner Kicks 1 5 Offsides 3 47% Time of Possession 53% 0 Yellow Cards 0 0 Red Cards 0 3 Saves 5 Brum denied a goal by an offside flag... eek.
  15. They're not, but as far as todays game goes, the team and squad can't be changed now so we have to do the job with what we've got.
  16. http://www.justin.tv/giordano1saints is the correct link.
  17. Alps... for the sake of this thread, lets leave the transfer discussions until later eh?! For now it's all about this game. Plus, it might prevent any moe abuse coming your way!
  18. I don't think so... i don't want to pre-empt anything but we've been playing pretty well and we always knew it would be difficult with such wholesale changes. You can't judge anything re: club strategy and direction after two games of a season.
  19. I disagree. Thomson's pace can cause problems to a tiring defence. I admit I'm disappointed not to see more attacking options though.
  20. No, definately not. Come on people, did you expect us to not have some pressure to contend with at some point? It's a good job the team don't have the same mentality or they'd just give up now and go home.
  21. Eh? 'Totally out of it'?! Not what I'm hearing. Yes, Brum are back into the game more, but we've had some good possession this half too.
  22. Careful alps... people will accuse you of negativity. Perhaps it should be expected that a team with the quality of Birmingham were bound to come back into the game after a half time rocket from their manager... When the going gets tough etc, etc... It's a good test.
  23. Does it f*ck. They've got their tails up, it's to be expected, but there's a long way to go.
  24. Davis save from McFadden... gotta regroup and get some possession here.
  25. Solent: 'Perry mistimed his jump and it's cost us'... shame... Long way to go yet... we can still win this if we stay positive.
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