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Everything posted by Minty

  1. Minty

    The 11th Hour

    Just watched this, absolutely brilliant. It encompassed all my thoughts on the subject of human sustainability and more. Anyone else seen it? If you haven't, I would urge you to watch it, no matter what your opinion on climate change or sustainability or fossil fuel usage etc. It is very thought provoking... please just watch it and make up your own mind.
  2. It allows you to do the opposite too though Baj... get MORE of a scene in focus, along a certain plane, than would otherwise be possible. Plus the Shift part, used to correct perspective... so it's not just a question of blur.
  3. I would love to get one but they're not cheap. They can create some good effects for wedding shots and other genres but as Al said, mainly used for architecture. This illustrates one feature very well (changing the plane of focus): http://www.mattblumphotography.com/pblog/index.php?showimage=497 Here's some wedding examples: http://makelovereal.net/tilt-shift-wedding-photography/ Another good article here: http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/article_pages/tilt_and_shift_ts-e.html If you're after similar effect for cheaper, the lensbaby is a novel little piece of kit too: http://www.photographyblog.com/reviews_lensbaby.php
  4. Al, stop with these serious replies. It's just not you.
  5. Yeah, and he has 5 1D's... so who's to say he won't want another one? Or 3!?
  6. Well, strangely, yes I would actually... flown on a few infact myself... but only if I am happy that the airline has a solid safety and maintenance record. You know only too well the stringent procedures in place with all the different 'exams' aircraft go through... but that said, there is no doubt that I feel a lot happier on newer aircraft, especially some of the latest generation which continually improve on things.
  7. Used to, but not anymore I don't believe, although not working there anymore I couldn't say for certain. Not seen one overhead for years though. Difficult to add much without any official comment, but the only additional piece of speculation I heard was that they were trying to make an emergency landing in that field, hence why they were on that side of the runway despite the port engine allegedly being the one which failed, but I really wouldn't like to much more without any more info. Sadly, this kind of thing focuses attention on aircraft and listening to a radio show today with some extremely uninformed opinions was disappointing... it seemed the show was only interested in generating talking points and controversy rather than dealing with fact, although to be fair, they can't predict what callers are going to say. Even so I expected better from a BBC programme.
  8. I'm always optimistic when we sign young players like Cork, but the fact that many of us have also seen him play and remember him playing well, is a bonus. As per usual, I don't see anyone claiming that this will guarente us results or anything silly like that, but there's nothing wrong in having the belief and faith in him that he will deliver good performances for us. Welcome Jack...
  9. That's obscene. Do you reckon he'll buy my 24-70L? It doesn't look like funds are an issue...
  10. Minty


    Ha. I remember the Goals refs. I struggle to remember ANY who I thought were even half decent. I, on the other hand, am a bloody good ref, even if I do say so myself. Anyway, give it some thought...
  11. If you're short of players, I'll gladly play in the friendly, but obviously only if you're struggling. RVT season starts the week after I believe.
  12. Minty


    I've just started reffing a Monday league at Fleming Park, which has a few spaces... registration fee is £25 for the team, but it's only £20 per team per night to play (£2.50 each if there's 8 of you) and the teams I've seen so far all seem to be decent lads, and far less aggro than I saw at Goals. It's only one division at the mo. Here's the link: http://www.leisureleagues.net/UK/England/South-Coast/EASTLEIGH-MONDAY.aspx And I'll be reffing you.
  13. It's certainly depressing. I, like others, thought that ressie line-up was strong. The cupboard is looking pretty bare. No sane person would expect things to drop perfectly into place after the first reserve game of the season, so both of your comments are misguided IMO.
  14. I wondered how long it would take for someone to come out with that kind of shortsighted comment.
  15. No point putting in the Buy/Sell forum as it's specialised... hopefully mods will agree. Anyway, I have one which I'm going to sell so if anyone on here is interested, let me know.
  16. It was alright actually, far less aggro in the whole night than I used to see in one game at Goals. Mind you, it helps when the ref knows what he is doing. :cool:
  17. I still don't see how anything related to the style of play will change? If they come in and play to JP's tactics and intended style, then great. They aren't going to be forced to play, and as JP has shown with Dyer and BWP, if they don't work hard or fit into how he wants the team to play, then they won't play.
  18. Minty


    Ship Inn is alright... been awhile since I last went down there though.
  19. Two extra players in the squad is far from 'a complete waste of pre-season'... they will be expected to fit into the squad and the style of play accordingly... none of that will change. I'd be interested to know how you came to that conclusion Alpine.
  20. I don't understand why this is a surprise to some people. It's been obvious since Poortvliet's arrival that we'd be employing a more continental structure so Jan has less say about the players that a traditional English Manager. Personally I'm nto so keen on that aspect of it, but lets not pretend it's a surprise. Jan's only fault IMO is that he is perhaps a bt too honest about what he knows or otherwise... other managers would've given a more political answer, but Jan seems to be completely honest. His role is to concentrate on coaching the first team, so other aspects are not within his remit. Only other comment I'd make is that the 'one up front' comment is misleading and the way it is played very much sees the wide front men join up with the striker when the ball is ciming in from the opposite flank or through the middle... bearing in mind the chances that Holmes, Gillett, McGoldrick, Lallana and Schneiderlin had today, not to mention Holmes' goal on Tuesday, I'd have thought that the movement and desire for others to get into the box to support the front man was obvious (mainly first half I admit, but still, it's there for all to see). Of course it needs developing further, but to suggest we 'only' have one upfront is misleading.
  21. Pathetic middle ground? lol... I call it how I see it... and the way I see it, losing Davies will be a big blow, but we've lost players who we thought were irreplaceable before and done fine. You're entitled to your opinion, leave me to have mine. How anyone can claim to know what is going to happen is beyond me, and for you to claim any different is ridiculous. I wouldn't normally lower myself, but as you want me to come off the fence however, I'll say this: F*ck off and take your patronising sh!t with you. On a more general note, how f*cking pathetic are we all for getting into these slanging matches over football. I for one don't need it, and if it continues then I'll probably just f*ck off again and let the site degenerate into the **** we had before. Seriously, take a look at this thread and some of the self-righteous w@nkers on it and decide for yourself. Seemingly we're not happy unless we're b!tching at each other and it's so utterly pathetic.
  22. More supposition being thrown around as fact. If you think we're in freefall, fine, but stop trying to drag others into it claiming that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Just go back through this thread and read the opinions of those who went today. I've never seen such reports after a defeat, so I'll be damned if someone wants to try and tell me I'm deluded, just because I have some belief. Get some respect for other peoples opinions.
  23. That depends on whether you agree with my opinion or not, however I just don't see the point in all these emotional extremes that fly about claming our world will end just because one player might be sold. Jeez, get a grip. Life goes on.
  24. Good to see some substantive reports, far more positive than I ever remember after any defeat last season.
  25. You ask any professional athlete or sportsman, and they'll tell you that they always look at the positives AND negatives, whether they win OR lose. That's the only way to improve. Saints will be no different. Jan will highlight what they did well and ensure they keep doing it, but also look to work on the things we don't do well. Getting back in on Monday and being miserable all week won't help anyone. Well, it might help some of you, but thankfully none of you work at the club (I assume!).
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