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Everything posted by Minty

  1. Minty

    Home studio

    Sounds like you're already well on the way then... the lights are the most important bit. Learning how to use them for different styles and effects is the single most important thing you can learn... Just bear in mind that, like your lenses really, buying something cheaper initially in terms of power, is certainly not a bad idea, but if you do want to do more, then having some extra power in reserve is always helpful. I've never needed anything more than the 400W from my D-Lite 4's even in relatively large spaces... just check the power on those cheaper kits and make sure you're comfortable with it.
  2. Item just on BBC News regarding charging residents based on the amount of waste they throw away possibly being introduced in England. Examples of similar schemes around the world were shown, virtually all of which had proven to be effective in reducing waste and increasing recycling, despite being controversial initially. What do you think?
  3. Minty

    Home studio

    You might wanna read the thoughts of someone in a similar position: http://www.peakoverload.com/component/content/article/21/41-building-a-home-studio.html I'm sure there are other similar articles out there too but i don't have time to find them now, having spent ages on my original reply!
  4. Minty

    Home studio

    Can I ask what kind of budget you've got/willing to spend? That tends to guide everything else. Firstly, how much space do you have? Are you looking to do full body or even groups, or just head and shoulders/product shots? You'd be surprised how much room you can need for even the latter, although if you really want to squeeze it in, you can do so without full backdrops or other items. As always, compromises are possible but that can then be reflected in lower quality pictures or less flexibility to shoot what you want and how you want to shoot it. My basic checklist would comprise of: - Lights A starter kit like the Elinchrom D-Lite 2/4 kit ( http://www.warehouseexpress.com/category/basecategory.aspx?cat03=3116 ) is ideal... that's what I have and use it for professional stuff because it's nice and portable too. A basic kit will come with umbrellas or softboxes to get you started but you might wanna consider other accessories like snoots or grids depending on what you want to do. - Reflector Not strictly 'studio' kit but really useful as clever use of reflectors can give you lots more lighting options but without the need to buy more lights. Lastolite do a good range but there are others. - Backdrop You may not need one if you have nice white walls and only want to do portraits using a white background, but chances are you'll need more versitility. I have a very simple Kenro background support system from London Camera Exchange in town (£140ish), again, because of it's portability, as we use it for events a lot, but there is a huge amount of choice out there. If the room is to be a permanent studio, consider the excellent Manfrotto wall-mounted kit. I used to have this in my old studio and it was excellent. Backdrops are one area where you can save money if you shop around in fabric shops. You can find suitable, and quite varied material for different effects, and all you need to do if sew a loop in one end for backdrop supports and hey presto. Or, find another way of hanging it from the wall/ceiling if you don't want to spend out on a support system, but this can obviously damage your wall/ceiling if you're not careful. Alternatively, you can use rolls of paper or frankly anything you like depending on the desired effects. Again, Lastolite do a good range, including lit backdrops and all sorts of other items. Check their website for more info on everything they do but shop around for other brands too. - Props Don't go too cheesy, but simple things like a stool, beanbags or cushions are good tools, or toys for kids portraits... again depends on what you're shooting, but DO NOT BUY THESE if you can help it... get on Freecycle or look in freeads or and see what you can pick up. There's usually loads about that you might not buy for your house but can look good in photos. - Light meter Not essential with digital SLR's but still very useful. I use the Sekonic L308S ( http://www.warehouseexpress.com/product/default.aspx?sku=1006844 ) , which you can't really beat for value for money. - Good lenses Matter of opinion this, but shooting at wider apertures with quality lighting, will show up poorer lenses. Good quality (prime if possible) lenses really show their quality in the studio IMO. - Electricity Perhaps not something that springs to mind immediately, but make sure you have enough power points available, and that cables aren't going to be running across areas where people will be walking... it's very easy to trip over and break equipment, especially with a whole family in the studio. If it's just for personal stuff and fewer people or product stuff then not so much of an issue, but a consideration nonetheless. I think that'll do for starters...! If you have a budget in mind, i can make some specific recommendations. One other thing you could do is ask to visit a working studio... any decent studio shouldn't mind you going along to have a look and get some idea of what they have. One final thing I would say is that if your budget is really tight, don't let me put you off... you can set up a simple studio in a room well lit by sunlight, or use traditional smaller camera flash units mounted on poles if you want to.
  5. Creating them didn't seem to be the issue tonight, just converting them. Such is life sometimes. But the least you can do in those circumstances is not lose, and in previous games we may well have conceded a silly goal and lost.
  6. Disappointed given the number of efforts on goal, but pleased that we maintained some level of performance after Reading... Plymouth were never gonna come here and play an open game, so in many respects I'm not surprised at the result, but the most important thing at the moment IMO is to keep picking up points which we've done, even if we'd rather have two more than we got.
  7. Patience people. If frustration creeps in, that's when Plymouth will look to get at us. We have to keep our composure, keep possession and keep working on breaking them down. Anyone who expected us to just break them down at will is being a tad optimistic.
  8. Minty

    ID cards

    I'm pretty sure that's not ANPR, that's purely something that measures speed on that particular stretch of road, to signal potential traffic congestion issues.
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LjBrkg6zBfg ?
  10. Sounded like a spirited effort second half, but not good enough sadly.
  11. Nothing to lose, might as well try and force something.
  12. Just in case there's something worth writing about. :cool:
  13. Any comments on the football for those of us without commentary? Ah... scratch that.
  14. I don't see any other thread so....
  15. Not to mention the fact that you won't be good enough to get in the team Summers.
  16. Mik, apologies mate, but I'm already well ahead of you! Steve did say you were up for it and I just haven't had a chance to talk to you about it but I've got already got a squad of nearly 20 names, mostly players who aren't on here but who were part of original WorldNET squads in the early days of the tournament. Not all of them will make it but it's looking healthy. Obviously, any more names would be welcome so Mik's message is still perfectly valid. I've got the full details and can post them up this weekend when I get the chance, along with the squad I have, to add further names to.
  17. Don't worry, I know no one was complaining, I was just pointing it out.
  18. To be fair, the fact it is a recurring subscription, unless you specifically choose otherwise, is made quite clear when you sign up.
  19. My point was more about the 'instant' speed reading, versus an average over some distance, rather than the specific technology but apologies if I gave that impression.
  20. Very dignified press conference from Felipe at the mo... fair play to him.
  21. A single fixed camera cannot record an average speed without reference marks (hence white lines painted on the road for traditional flash cameras). They take two pictures at specified intervals and then work out your speed accordingly... that's pretty much an 'instant' speed. OK, so you could argue that it's an average speed over the distance of the markers on the road, but they cover about 25m maximum. The only way a single camera can record an average speed is if it is of the mobile type used by police that uses a reflected beam to measure the speed at which you are moving towards or away from the camera, and hence needs to be moved to follow the car. So as you'll have worked out, the average speed cameras such as those on the M27 measure the speed between the two cameras, and therefore over that stretch of road.
  22. It is not the cameras themselves that only work if you stay in the same lane, but the Home Office approval for them... when they were certified the design spec was for cameras that monitored one lane only... therefore they were given approval on meeting that requirement. So, a legal prosecution can only be made for same-lane infringements. Others could be challenged and rejected because of the approval given to the cameras. But there are circumstances where prosecutions can be made so it's not black and white. The actual technology can easily capture cars across all three lanes. It works on number plate recognition, and times the difference between capture of a registration at any pair of cameras. The same technology that is now used in many car parks to catch people who don't buy a ticket. Irrespective of all that, the amount of drivers who clearly don't understand the meaning of the word 'average' never ceases to amaze me though. Slowing down when they see a camera and then speeding up again. Retards.
  23. Minty

    SIFC v Watford

    I have one more player (Opkar, for those who know him). Tried Noodles but no reply, even though he said on t'other thread that he's available.
  24. Al and I did a charity gig on Friday night at Shephards Bush Empire including a few famous names. Some lovely light to work with and some great pics (in our humble opinion) as a result: See them all here: http://www.2amphotography.co.uk/music/matthewjay
  25. Minty

    SIFC v Watford

    WorldNET's don't count and I forgot last season... oops. Who hasn't replied? I see on t'other thread that Noodles and maybe others said they could make it... Come on people!
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