4,633 -
Everything posted by Minty
I'm in.
If you have pre-pay meter, check out EBICO... they have the same rates for all customers in the same region, pre-pay or otherwise. They are also a not-for-profit company, and as a result, IMO, far more ethical than the majority of money-grabbing energy companies out there. They're not perfect, but in my experience, it's been worth it. http://www.ebico.co.uk/
Dunc, do you (or anyone else for that matter) actually know how close Sale is to Lowe? You obviously seem to think it's accurate and as i said in my original post, i remember talk about it previously, but can't remember specifics.
He's allegedly quite close to Rupert isn't he? Or am I completely wrong? It seems to ring a bell with me anyway. There's not really anything new here, apart from the specific mention of 'the third week in March'. I don't know if it's based on anything inparticular? Anyway, make of it what you will: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-1125028/Charles-Sale-Premier-League-turn-Hero-Fund-cash-villain.html Lowe point for Southampton Southampton's beleaguered chairman Rupert Lowe, who regained a club left in financial meltdown by the chronic mismanagement of the regime that forced him out of office, will have to make a major decision by the third week of March. That is whether to put the club into administration and take the Football League’s 10-point penalty this season. Southampton, whose bank Barclays are threatening to reduce their overdraft facility considerably, have to find extra monies by the end of next month to keep afloat.
So, nothing happened at all then?! lol
That kind of thing really pees me off... confrontational action like this only serves to discredit any organisation behind it, and also, unfairly, gives an impression that all protesters or others who oppose the expansion are violent morons unable to argue their point in a constructive way. It will also serve to widen any divide between sides and prevent discussion, and reinforce supporters views about the subject, because they think mroe poorly of the protesters' actions, and their (poorly communicated in this case) message becomes secondary.
Lol. I can't really follow that, so I won't try.
The 3rd runway at Heathrow is symbolic of a much bigger issue IMO. The developed world seemingly wants to 'expand' this and 'grow' that all the time, and most of it is completely unsustainable. Just how much more growth can this country, and the planet, sustain? All this talk about growing the economy and creating jobs etc... fine in theory, but it's all going to prove somewhat pointless when the earth is so overcrowded and drained of it's resources that countries implode under civil/global war for food scraps, and the human race ultimately obliterates itself. Far fetched? It only seems that way because it's probably, relatively speaking, many many lifetimes away. But it will still happen, and given our greater understanding of the planet and it's capability to sustain our race, I think we should be doing more to consider it already. "Long-term plans" for anything, in this country and the world over, barely stretch to 2050... worry about our economy shrinking further in the next decade or two, or other countries growing their GDP etc and leaving us behind. It's all so short sighted, and indicative of the small-minded thinking that prevails. My grandkids will probably see the year 2100... how will the world be then? And what about their grandkids, and theirs, and theirs...? Granted, our ancestors probably never thought about the world we would live in, but they didn't have the same understanding and knowledge that we do now. At what point will we actually start thinking globally rather than nationally, for the sake of everyone, rather than just our own country? When you sit back and watch, the selfishness of humans is really quite spectacular IMO, and, with this entirely unsustainable growth and all the worldly political and religious bo!!ocks causing more and more tension in the world, I can see us all killing each other or wiping ourselves out far sooner than many think. Apologies for bringing down the tone, but it's something I give a sh!t about. Without fundamental changes by world leaders and the population as a whole, my future family is f*cked IMO. But I honestly doubt anything will change because it would requires too great a shift in thinking by too many selfish and stubborn people across the whole world, not to mention global co-operation between countries who would be happier trying to kill each other etc, etc. And so, the status quo would remain and we continue towards an inevitable end. Meanwhile the planet will happily live on and evolve. After all, what's one more extinct race to a planet that has had so many over the years?
This conflict is just another reason why the Human Race is eventually gonna totally **** itself up IMO.
Part of me feels like this, but then the other part can't help but wonder if Administration would actually rid us of all those involved thus far? Would some of them still be involved with the club in some way? IF administration meant they were all to depart then MAYBE it would be a relief but I seriously doubt it.
With respect to up and away, I am encouraged by the amount of people who are now seemingly beyond the point of defending or blaming specific individuals and recognise that all of those involved have played their part in getting us to where we are today. The more fans who can reach this position, IMO, the better, because at least it will unite the fans a little more in finding a way forward, rather than constantly looking back. As always, I read Duncan's input with interest, along with others, hwoever the single most concerning thing for me is that no one seems to actually have any realistic idea of how we are going to come out the other side of this. I'm not saying for one minute that there are any easy solutions, obviously not, but what, realistically, can happen from here on in?!? Does anyone actually have any idea whatsoever? I doubt it, simply because of the variables involved, and it's that unknown that bothers me the most.
Simon Carter's follow-up is quite good IMO: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4030898.Is_Lowe_gamble_a_cost_cut_too_far_/ It doesn't really say anything new but it does sum things up quite well.
It should read 81% of turnover, as it does later in the article. Interesting article... nice to see some wage figures given a lot of the speculation that flies around (although I still wouldn't read it as gospel of course). Irrespective of who is in charge or made the decisions, some of those wages seem entirely inappropriate both in terms of the players' worth, and our financial situation. This kind of thing reinforces my concern that the major financial damage to the club has already been done and that administration is inevitable. I hope that's not the case of course but you can't help but worry, can you? I'm really not interested in whose 'spin' it is, or who is to blame... bottom line is that our football club is in a sorry state thanks to a variety of people.
I use Photoshop or Lightroom when I do it, so no, i haven't really used any of them I'm afraid. There may be some differences in quality between them but I doubt it'll be noticeable... After all reducing in size doesn't need anything too complicated, unlike upsizing a picture.
Do a search for 'Batch photo resizer' or similar... make sure the word 'batch' is in there though... you should find plenty of freeware ones. The size of each picture will vary depend on what it contains and they should all be much smaller than 1.2mb (unless you keep the jpeg quality at 12, which is pointless... 8 or 9 should be plenty without losing too much detail). IMO it's pointless putting more than about 100 pictures on display at any one time otherwise you just don't get to see them all, but that's up to you.
Honestly not sure but we're usually light in defence.
Anyone fancy a game tomorrow morning? My team is struggling with people away for Xmas. It's a 1030 ko in the Solent League at Wicor Rec near Portchester... not a great standard but fun. If you need a lift I can probably sort it. I won't pick up responses til later tonight but PM me your number if you're interested (if you haven't got it already... if you have, then text me).
Ah, marvellous... as sweeping generalisations go, that's up there with the best. :cool: What digital cameras do you own?
And your response about the choice of movie was quite funny too...
I dunno... I remember shooting at 1600 on the original 1D and it didn't touch that shot, was much more noisey. Admittedly, as the comments say, it's a well lit photo so the high ISO isn't tested as much, and I'd like to see examples in low light, but even taking that into account, it seems we'll have equally usuable pictures but with a full FOUR stops more to play with.
So Pearce hasn't done so twice recently? I just imagined that?
You hadn't even told me about that!