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Everything posted by Minty

  1. Minty

    Susan Boyle

    She clearly does have a good voice IMO, although I do agree with hypo that the only reason she has spiked interest in the media is because of how she looks and the fact that it 'goes against the grain'... therefore it'll sell papers and get coverage and make people money etc, etc... sad indictment on modern society really. I say good luck to her. If you like her voice, vote for her. If you don't don't.
  2. Minty

    First car

    Same first car, although slightly newer (1982) and red, and I too got it to about 105mph on the A31 from Bournemouth towards Southampton on the way home from a cricket match once...! What I didn't know at the time was that it was a 'cut'n'shut', and so could've disintegrated at any time!
  3. Seconded. That's where it all stems from... but then that's a whole different thread for a whole different day.
  4. And the point of that is...? Sorry, not having a pop and I understand that you're not asking for yet another thread with everyone stating their opinion and slating anyone who disagrees, which is fine, but what will the poll actually achieve? What purpose will it serve?
  5. With respect, do we really need another blame thread? Move on.
  6. Yeah, but having gone into the Windsor once before, I now like to make sure I know where to completely avoid before putting myself in a situation where I want to leave within seconds of walking in...!!
  7. Nice one, ta. I ventured into the Windsor once a few years back not knowing any better. Never again. Also been in the Park Hotel in the past (along with other board members like stevegrant and Michelle), but that's best forgotten about too!!! I'll definately try the Wellington then, sounds ideal, and is barely 2 minutes walk from the house too. Bonus.
  8. Of course.
  9. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=11710
  10. Thank you.
  11. I'm talking wider picture here though guys... all the shareholders... not just Lowe and Wilde and Crouch etc, but you and me and any other shareholder. What happens to those shares now? What are the potential outcomes? I assumed that 100% ownership passes to whoever agrees to buy the club, but I'm just not sure.
  12. Forgive any ignorance on my part, but I can't be the only person wondering... Share trading is currently suspended, but the shareholders still 'own' those shares, yes? If a buyer is found for the club, does that by default include 100% of shares in the company? Would the company automatically remain listed, or automatically de-listed, or somewhere in between?! Do shares come into it at all anymore or are they effectively unimportant now? Is there any scenario in which existing shareholders somehow retain their part ownership?
  13. Back to the original question... Does it really matter? We're not going to get a breakdown of how the debt is made up, and Lowe and Wilde have gone. Personally, I see little point in wasting my time and energy on them and the events of the past when the ONLY thing that now matters is the next 24 days, and hoping and praying (well what else can I do other than go to the games) that someone comes to buy the club. No offence intended StMarco, but NOTHING ELSE MATTERS right now, IMO.
  14. Ones nearby include Anchor and Hope, The Freemantle Arms and Duchess of Wellington and Wellington Arms (which is the only one someone has recommended so far).
  15. Recently moved to the area, seem to be plenty around, but which are the decent ones?
  16. Anyone use it in Southampton or surrounding areas? I intend to use it out and about for work primarily as well as the better half using it for college and other things, and will generally be within areas that have good coverage (according to their own maps), but interested to get opinions of those who already use it. 3 have an offer on at the mo for only £5 a month for 1Gb allowance (for existing 3 customers), which I'll never get near as it'll only be light use.
  17. Minty


    Hardly... If I'd typed Brianna Banks or Nikki Benz or Jenna Jameson (a few years ago) I would've expected to see something like that...! (Cue more searching by people who've not heard of them before...!)
  18. Minty


    I just searched for Rachel Riley on Google Images and got more than I was expecting...
  19. Most definately.
  20. Gents, really... is there any need for this?
  21. As I've just said to Alps, all I care about is the club. I'm not interested in having a pop, and quite honestly, I'm annoyed at myself for getting sucked in and replying as I did earlier. All i wanted to do was support the notion that looking backwards will not help the club and it's survival. I'm no expert, I'm just a fan who gives a sh!t, who can't for the life of him see how fellow fans bickering and whining about who was right and who was wrong can help the situation.
  22. Alps, I'm not lecturing anyone. It's simply my opinion on what would be best for the club (and hence us fans) going forward. Nothing more, nothing less, so please don't try and make it something it's not. I don't want to see anyone 'abused' for their opinion... in fact, that's one of the main reasons I don't post much anymore, because of the lack of respect amongst so many posters. But to be quite honest, none of that matters now. The only thing that does is the continued existence of Southampton Football Club. So please, if dredging up the past is going to help that goal, let me know how and I'll gladly join in. But I don't think it will.
  23. You couldn't make it up could you? A thread about looking forward and uniting for the sake of the club, ends up with people sniping at each other about the past. All rather sad IMO.
  24. Learning lessons from events of the past is fine and I would endorse that without hesitation. However, simply looking to pass blame around or trying to get one over a fellow fan is different, serves little constructive purpose, and I think that is more what S_S refers to, and I agree with.
  25. As I posted on Colinjb's thread earlier:
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