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Everything posted by sfc76

  1. Hey mate.... Until a couple of years ago most of my family lived around Rangiora/Kaiapoi, til they went back to UK. All Saints fans...! My brother is now back in the ChCh area.....
  2. We're all going on a Brisbane City tour, a Brisbane City tour, a Brisbane City tour...... Promotion Party kicks off 5pm Saturday Pig and Whistle. Colours required.
  3. Lock it in! 21st July 5pm P+W. Colours required....
  4. Okay, I'm going to pick a date........ Sat July 21st at Moo Moo.. Who's going?! I've got 3 - me, the missus, and my brother who's over from UK for one week before going to Christchurch.
  5. Okay, I'm going to pick a date........ Sat July 21st at Moo Moo.. Who's going?!
  6. These games are all at the worst possible times for us!! We still need to arrange a the promotion party.... Suggested dates?
  7. Moo Moo 19th sounds good to me....
  8. Will be there.... Caxton St, probably in LA. Ticket for the Den as usual....
  9. Anyone going tonight?
  10. Yeap will be there.... caxton st beforehand
  11. Looking forward to Sundays' game..... don't forget to wear your poppy (on your black armband of course Mr Blatter)
  12. I normally head for LA - the beers cheaper, but I'll be around...
  13. Where in the Den mate? I'm in row 22! And yes, it was great night, perfect start to the weekend!
  14. Anyone going tonight - Adelaide?
  15. Anyone on this forum any more? Anyone going to the GCU game Friday?
  16. Hey all Just back from european trip.... One of the highlights was going to the England game in Montenegro. Brilliant atmosphere, despite the rain. Have to say the Montenegrins have some of the best support you will ever find! Non-stop party all day, very welcoming people. Don't the singing stopped for eat least 10 hours... Sorry missed the first Roar game.. Any of you got Season tickets for the Roar? Only, I'm looking to sign up this year and probably be in/around The Den. Seems worth it for $250 a season..
  17. No, normally pretty straight forward getting an account here, just need the usual ID. My other half works for Bank of Queensland. Get a QLD driving licence as soon as you arrive, and Medicare card - you'll need these for most ID checks.
  18. Me too (getting married that is.....) I'll be in Europe for 3 weeks after and arrive back just After the first Roar game.... Shame cos a CCM rerun sounds like fun! I'll going to try and get to at least 1 EPL, 1 Bundesliga game, and the England game in Montenegro whilst over there.... But I wont be near a Saints game whilst I'm there - damn it!!
  19. Yeap, end of season beers a must
  20. Got tickets for the Milton Road end, see you guys on Sunday.
  21. I'm not seeing any updates on here... so I'm assuming this plan to block a group of tickets aint happening...? So, I'll give it until this evening for any news in this thread - if I see nothing here by 18:00 today (Brisbane time), I'll buy myself a couple of tickets later...
  22. Let us know how u go guys.... if u do manage to 'block book' count on me for at least 2 tickets...
  23. I'm up for getting a group of tickets together... I'm not a member, so will watch this space for any updates!
  24. Got my tickets in the Den for next Saturday night
  25. fyi - this is what Suncorp Stadium is currently saying... "The initial clean-up has been completed and work has now commenced on the massive recovery programme ahead. The progress of these extensive works and the availability of essential equipment and trades will influence when the Stadium will be ready for events to be held. The next scheduled Brisbane Roar games against the Wellington Phoenix on 26 January and Melbourne Heart on 29 January will be played at Skilled Park on the Gold Coast."
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