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Everything posted by sfc1976

  1. Does the term VD encompass both gonorrhoea AND chlamydia? Cheers.
  2. If you're English and still at saints you must be dump!
  3. Shame that ***ts like VW get can be anywhere near the team. Not withstanding the moronic behavior, he's been utter dross in every game he's played so far this season.
  4. Looked pants for a while. Don't really care if he's never sighted again.
  5. But Wanyama is a c unt isn't he?
  6. Assuming all this is true (I know..) then football really is a load of nonsense now. Not only is it impossible to progress in anything like a sustainable way in the absence of oil/post soviet privatisation money, but the players are staggeringly dense and just do a Bob Crow rather than put a shift in and leave on good terms. What's the point of it all?
  7. Something is very wrong. You can still get 25s at paddy's to go down, doubt it will be there in the morning.
  8. I wish we could play football like they do
  9. Our corners are hilarious
  10. 3-0 last season 0-3 this season Can't think what's happened in between!
  11. Think we've been found out this season in terms of patching up on the cheap/not at all.
  12. Had a warning of that from a dump corner earlier. We are terrible at taking corners.
  13. Has vic been tapped up ? Looks dump.
  14. That kid is miles away from being a prem player
  15. Should have got Forren on a 5, he'd be just about ready by now.
  16. Too much agro during the last meet innit
  17. sfc1976


    'He'd be able to fly home more easily from London'! Got to hit the word count for the boss I guess.
  18. sfc1976


    With you on that one. Vile.
  19. sfc1976


    Tottenham/Liverpool et al never seem to ask themselves the obvious question about why they never seem to be able to scout these players first time around, or god forbid bring them through the youth system. Then they get all excited like retards who pay list price for a new motor. Anyway, go up there and finish 6th, or stay here and finish 7th.
  20. Sherwood standing there as if they were hard done by. Deluded c@nt.
  21. Does one eat jizz, or drink it?
  22. Tories will want Burnham - more of the same core vote dross, with Labour candidates remaining human kryptonite anywhere within 100 miles of the M25. Chuka 'gets it' and can appeal to the centre. Not quite sure whether they'll lap him up in the working mens clubs of Rotherham though. Very tough for Labour if they are going to even bother appealing to Scotland again as any move to fight back will alienate the marginals. Compounded by boundary changes. Hard to see them winning in 2020 without an ERM type balls up. Lib Dems completely irrelevant for a generation now. Look set to become nothing more than a pressure group for Enid Blyton socialists.
  23. England, outside of pockets of London/northern slums, just isn't a very left-wing place. You only have to look at what Blair had to do to the Labour Party to get it elected - abandon everything it believes in. Saying the words 'progressive', 'change', and banging on about the NHS just doesn't cut it in the marginals.
  24. Shy Tories innit. A beautiful thing, hope it's accurate.
  25. Feels like a bit of a backlash tonight after Farage had a moan. Usually you only get a clap on question time for more spending and the anti Americanism type stuff.
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