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Everything posted by Stepgar

  1. Absolutely - If AB had stopped those shots we would all be creaming in our pants, but instead most people on here just want to dig the knife. He saved them a point make no mistake about it.
  2. Doesn't like not winning and that's how he deals with it. Bit toys out of pram stuff.
  3. Have not tried it on the ipad but worked well on the iMac once i downloaded Hola. Worked on both Firefox and Chrome.
  4. Sorted. Thanks.
  5. OK got HOLA but cant seem to find where you change the area/region?
  6. Its now saying "GeoBlocked"?? Help? And what is Hola
  7. Cant seem to connect the website anymore, who else has this problem??
  8. Not working?!?
  9. Been away in a very rural France. Missed the game completely. Only found out the score on the ferry back. Does anybody know if it is online to re watch??
  10. totally agree. Can only put it down to fitness. He did play the full 90 if memory is correct. So best leave him out of this week and i guess he will start the next game. No room for sentiment.
  11. We were dominating teams right left and center. Other teams seemed to be doing what we were. In our faces from the off. Long way to go but not sure we have the right formation. We seem very narrow and afraid to shoot from outside the box. Oh and please let JWP take the direct free kicks. RL your last few have been awful and hit the wall.
  12. Lambert should have come off for Jrod today, and Al should have definately stayed on. He looked well ****ed off walking back.
  13. Not really creating like we used to either.
  14. So what is??
  15. Lovren seems to have fitted quickly. Cant say the same about VW. Ossie to early to tell.
  16. Top 6?? not even top half!
  17. really lacked wingers today.
  18. Lambert you have been poor today. Give JWP the next free kick please.
  19. Shame Jack Cork wasn't on the bench
  20. I would have taken RL off today for Jrod.
  21. what is it and inability to shoot form out side the box.
  22. Are we as good as thought we were?
  23. started slowly.....very slowly.
  24. try turning off your browser and re starting worked for me.
  25. what browser do you use
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