Well, maybe. But lets not forget that brizzle:
- aren't joint top
- haven't got TCWTB
- haven't got any fat in their pipes
- haven't single-handedly kept L2 in business by turning up in redolent handfuls at away matches where they have charmed the locals with their folklorique turns of phrase, well-aimed missiles and courteous pushing and shoving
- in other words they have massively and consistently under-performed compared with the bestestmostest
Which is strange, because its set up to be the easiest to get out of and the most difficult to get relegated from.
You've got to hand it to the skates, they really are the bestestmostest at p!ssing it all away
Just think, in years to come when they're still flapping around in the primeval swamp of bottom tier/non-league football, or threatening to emerge from it, we'll always be able to remember this and have another good laugh at their expense.
Now that the wheels have finally fallen off their 'promotion or bust' rag and bone cart, it will be fascinating to see how they finance their next season in the basement
I may never stop laughing about this one.
Every time I feel a bit down, all I'll have to do is remember that injury time goal by Argyll and I'll be back in my happy place
Popcorn? Check.
Celebratory beer waiting in fridge? Check.
Twitter account primed and ready with derogatory messages to annoy the #bestestmostest? Check.