Viking saga? I'd say by comparison he makes Jeffrey Archer look like Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens and Bill Shakespeare all rolled into one
No excuse? - I'm sure they'll think of something, there's no shortage of referees who will be overawed by the prospect of officiating at the cauldron that is fatpipes
An elementary scaling error has been made there, for all know that their rank is for all practical purposes decided by their passion. And on that basis they are rank indeed
Astonishing change of tack from the pluckiest there. Hopefully they'll revert to type in time to delight us with yet another failed karma-fuelled attempt to escape the pull of gravity
Ooh the passion. Some of them have been compared unfavorably to Neanderthals, but at least the Neanderthals made a few useful contributions to the gene pool
The ongoing hilarity they cause as they career around the mud flats of lower league football in their exploding clown car of a club would be sadly missed if they ever confronted their sordid past and faced up to their problems
Ah but it wasn't their fault, no siree. All the dirty money that funded their promotion and cup win was forced on them by the nasty football league. Or some portsmyth like that.
Its easy to be jealous of what they've got, where do we even begin? Their pipes are without doubt the fattiest, their supporters are among the gaptoothiest and their debt free warchest is groaning with pocket money given up by rosy cheeked urchins