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Everything posted by Reynoldson!!

  1. Haha so many Saints fans love to deathride the club. It's truly bizarre, but a good laugh
  2. Tim Sparv... Forged a nice international career for himself too! Andrei Pereplyotkin...
  3. Alex Pearce at Reading had a shift here I think?
  4. ^superb trolling
  5. Superb trolling
  6. haha was a genuine question, wasn't sure if that info had come from someone that plays FM or if it was from somewhere else
  7. Can Forren actually play at left back if needed? Or were they just Football Manager rumours
  8. Seems to go beyond just the manager though. The Saints Facebook just mentioned Lallana could be back against Man U etc.... things in general seem a lot more open all of a sudden, not just manager's press conferences
  9. He is not the captain, he was Olympic captain! But fair point
  10. Yeah that response was a tad aggressive, no need
  11. Moutinho would be pretty delicious
  12. Don't want a player here that doesn't have his heart set on playing alongside the astonishing Jason Puncheon quite frankly
  13. Well I, for one, have already have my Coutinho shirt made up
  14. Agreed, love me some Maya. On that note, has anyone noticed how massive his head is? Watch him when he stands near another player, it's phenomenally large. Also when you get the wider angle he almost looks like one of those bobble head toys. Massive head, just massive
  15. All Fellaini has to do is fall over and the red blows his whistle
  16. meth... not even once
  17. You know, the more I watch it the more I'm convincing myself Ramirez' touch was intentional. On the third angle shown here: http://www.footytube.com/video/chelsea-southampton-jan16-152312 it certainly looks plausible
  18. I am pretty sure sotonjoe was joking, everybody needs to relax!
  19. I think Rooney is pretty world class if I'm honest
  20. ^Fonte is injured
  21. well that's a nice positive report, thanks for the heads up
  22. Early days but do Prado is looking delicioushelping out at the back too
  23. LOVELY ball Do Prado. Just lovely
  24. Anyone else fascinated by how large Yoshida's head is? Absolutely phenomenal
  25. De Ridder looks in the mood
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