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Reynoldson!!'s Achievements

  1. Lacking creativity. Give Tadic a go
  2. He did! He was saying that SO16 should have called that poster an idiot Romeu is a star, sign him up for life!!
  3. He did! He was saying that SO16 should have called that poster an idiot Romeu is a star, sign him up for life!!
  4. Geeeez we are looking good. Really starting to gel in this new formation. Imagine Boufal coming in!!
  5. Romeu is immense.
  6. Lovely goal!! What was with nobody celebrating with Tadic though? Even the commentator said he must be very lonely
  7. Romeu has had a great game. We played very well today, don't let an appalling referee head explosion blur that
  8. Gee redmond has some good close control on him, he could really be something
  9. We're all over the place here, we were looking delicious before that arsenal goal! Don't worry lads, the pendulum with swing back again. 2-1
  10. Haha very fair friend. Very, very fair.
  11. I meant all those spelling mistakes!!!
  12. There are over three hundred (300) joints in the human body, and he has injured one. Pretty sure that the medical will be more rigorous than looking at just that one joint. To be honest I'm not even sure why people on this forum are worrying about the clunext not beingue rigorous in medicals before spending 22 million. Do you actually think about what you post before you click send? I'm fairly sure the boars aren't saying 'looks good on YouTube.. let's get him on board'
  13. This has to be a joke post? Complaining that the club are 'only' optimistic is next level bedwetting. What would you have preferred them to say? Lol!
  14. the negativity on here is amazing!
  15. Redmond scored 6 last year
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