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Everything posted by darren2

  1. Anyone know of his "Tonsilitus" has cleared up yet?
  2. The link to the story I saw: I know it's a Brazillian Saints fan page, but he's in Southampton and has been pretty good with snippets in the past. Wouldn't have given it a second thought but for the "where is he?" Posts
  3. Heard a rumour he's not returned and that the club are looking at Kévin Malcuit to replace rather than have another Virgil. Can't say this is true, but a rumour I've heard.
  4. No, but it's smaller than the minimum permitted size
  5. You won't be saying that in 3 years!!!
  6. Playing in the friendly or keeping a low profile?
  7. Bloody hell, Fonte admitted himself he was looking for the move to finish at a "Big" club. Something I think he regretted in hindsight
  8. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/16357576.former-saints-captain-jose-fonte-without-a-club/?ref=mr&lp=3 Genuinly think it's a shame how things went after the Euros. Still good enough for Portugal??
  9. Would rather sell Long and keep Gabbi, but can't see Long getting the wages anywhere else that he gets here
  10. 7 pages about a guy who's not going to sign for us......
  11. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F302769518091
  12. That was my mock up based on info of the bra shirt. Don't like it mysrlf
  13. So I imagine we'll have a striped home shirt, and blue away. The 3rd will then be used for Brighton etc to avoid the white stripe and blue clash
  14. The company selling it is a reputable US distributor of UA, so I'd say legit. We have had an all white 3rd kit....
  15. Says it's the third kit???
  16. You do know that the shares in Pampers have just crashed due to the bed wetting you've just stopped don't you?
  17. Why leave??? He'll never get another contract like he has here!!
  18. BFS leaving Everton in the worst kept secret in Football.........
  19. Pochettino refusing to commit to Spurs next season...... Haven't we heard this story before somewhere?? https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/tottenham-latest-mauricio-pochettino-contract-updates-transfer-news-a8328086.html http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11661/11373128/chelsea-may-move-for-spurs-boss-mauricio-pochettino
  20. Saints being Saints, we'll get a point at Everton, get all excited, and blow it 2-1 at Swansea........
  21. I normally use first row sports. Takes a while to close the ads, but it's better than nothing: firstsrowsports.tv
  22. 3 match ban for Alonso
  23. Started average and hasn't improved over time. Would still start him with Yoshida ahead of Hoedt though
  24. Said earlier in the season he needed to up his game and it's clearly not happened. Possibly that he'd guilty of costing us more goals than Forster
  25. I dont get how people don't like him due to injuries..... He's still better value than our other turds who don't get injured, but don't score either
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