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Everything posted by darren2

  1. I don't think they REALLY hate us, but from what I can tell we are the Man Utd of the South coast (Let me finish!!!), in that because we were Prem for a while there were plenty of locals at that time who supported us instead of the home team and would walk around saying "You're s**t" or things to that effect. The Adkins thing then just gave then a reason
  2. It'll be full of plastics for our game, you see!!
  3. He normally goes with his best mate and wife. Just not figured why they can never make it and he goes alone........
  4. So The9 stated a conversation that he had with his neighbour about Lambert being removed from the away kit lauch. At no point does he state that "Lambert is leaving". Them we get 4 pages of hysteria from people coming to their own conclusion that A: Lambert is leaving, or B: The9 has said Lambert is leaving???????? Is it not possible that it is as simple that Lambert etc are payed for "image rights" when used in publicity, he has been naughty and suspended for a friendly and removed from the posters and so losing his image rights. If I had had the conversation with The9's neighbour I would have posted it. It was others that came up with the "Lambert is leaving" hysteria. In regards to why he would sighn a new deal and say he wants to finish his career here, does anyone remember Hoddle saying "Have a nice holiday lads. See you when I get back", or bungknapp saying "I love Southampton", the "I love Portsmouth, this is actually the only club for me. I'll finish my career here".............
  5. Lot's. I mechanic racing bikes so whichever ones clash with the start of the season and our end of season, along with the ones at the end of the footy season and the start of the racing next year so just go when I can. Missing Leeds for sure (But my team manager is a Leeds fan so hoping to get that on the telly).
  6. That's a pretty poor photo shop effort on what some have already speculated the kit will be like. Do we know what time it's being released???
  7. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2363626,00.html You mean this??? Would tie up with the "thick stripes" but with white sleeves......
  8. Rupert Lowe was also an erm........ hugely successful banker. Cortese out!!!!!
  9. Or someone has assumed that because we play in red and white stripes it must be our kit. I mean what fool could think that this on the left: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/683/sfcq.jpg/ Could look anything like this: http://www.footballshirtculture.com/11/12-kits/sunderland-11-12-umbro-home-kit.html And to assume that we are changing our badge is just plain stupid. As long as they don't do anything daft like replacing the 125 red nose with something daft like a football.....
  10. Not telling us what is going on????? Cortese and Adkins out!!!!!!
  11. Congrats to Brighton. totally deserve it and were the best team. Hope to be playing them next season. On a less serious notes but seems important to some, Wikipedia state "South Coast Derby: a game between Southampton and Portsmouth but may include Bournemouth or Brighton". I think the "South Coast" as opposed to the "Local" in the name makes a difference. Well done Brighton though!
  12. Thats true. The cross channel ferries used to go from Southampton, but moved down there and stayed during that strike. The Pompey dockers also worked to bring in the cruise ships. Regarding OC, I listen a little bit while on the road and he's always saying about being a Saints fan although not an avid fan like some on here. But I do remember a thing in a competition about a year os so back when a bloke from Pompey won a holiday. After much cheering and whhoops of delight from the winner OC says: "So what about your football team, things not looking good and being a Southampton Fan even I can sympathise as we've had our difficulties recently". Pompey competition winner: "Oh yeah, you're a scummer aren't you!" a few seconds silence OC: "Well if you think you can come on my radio show, win a nice holiday and then call me or anyone else from Southampton a scummer and still have your holiday you can think again. Dont bother waiting on the line to leave your details, goodbye!". click, line dead. Followed by me having a "scary moment" as I was too busy p**sing myself laughing to drive
  13. I was speaking to the Wolves coach driver at SMS once and asked why they had 2 coaches. He said that players have to arrive together by coach, but if they have the day off or other plans for after the game, someone will drive their cars up for them. These people are not allowed on the players coach so a 2nd was laid on for the drivers to get home with while the players took their cars to where ever.....
  14. I dropped my pie in the stadium once. How could that b**tard Lowe let that happen!!! But from where I see it the freefall of Southampton started with R**knapp. Lowe did give us the stadium and a great academy but did keep the purse strings tight (But this kept us on an even keel. He got us to Europe and an FA Cup final and things were on the up. But when GS left he brought in Sag face who had no interest in being here. I always remember week in week oput him bleating that we never had good players (Most of which are still in the Prem). Then Wilde etc came in and gambled EVERYTHING on straight promotion and lost. The only mistake Lowe made was bringing in sag face who really wanted to be back down the road. After Wilde etc had blown the kitty Lowe came back and was in the position of HAVING to make choices that would upset people in the name of saving the club. He didnt need to but jumped back into the fire to try and sort it. His biggest problem was his arrogance which alienated the fans, making him the easy target to take the blame but IMO the Admin / 2nd relegation etc were not his fault. If I remember at the time, Pearson was not retained on cost, which is something that goes back to the previous board and we took on the Dutch based on a price that we could afford. I cant say I particularly like him, but feel he did more for the club that was given credit, and the decline was down to sag face (who was not given millions to take us straight into admin like West Ham, P**pey, Bournemouth etc) and played his injured son week in week out for extra pay. this was followed by the Wilde group who spent everything that was in the pot, promising investment while delivering none
  15. Maybe with AL being concussed the physio thought he'd take advantage "oh you must have hit your head if you thought I did THAT to you........"
  16. http://www.firstrowsports.eu/ It has EVERYTHING
  17. At one point it looked like some of the Manc fans were fighting between themselves so assumed the stretcher was for that. I was right on the edge of the divide right by the Manc fans and TBF quite a few were applauding us shouting well played and that we'll go up this year
  18. Edit, ok Matt offered to pay, but why get priority is my point :0)
  19. In all honesty, both are club legends for different reasons, but it seems Cortese has been conducting things in private without bad mouthing anyone. Maybe he can be a little "difficult" which I have heard him admit himself, but I dont think MLT and FB are doing themselves any favours going into the public domain with personal issues or not being able to get a load of free tickets for their mates (Who have probably done nothing for the club so why should they get some before paying fans). i'm involved in a sport where we provide hospitality to guests. If I have family wanting to come along I'm told wait till near the date. If we dont have spare spaces the answer is no. If there are spaces I get them free. If I REALLY want tickets still I pay. Maybe this was the case with MLT's tickets. I wouldnt expect it another way and TBH neither should he
  20. To be fair, I think AOC has handled himself pretty well during this period. How many of some of our past players would have got all giddy, made it clear they wanted to go and thrown the odd dummy out of the pram. But like Crouch and Theo did has taken the "I'm here, I like it here and am happy to be here, so crack on giving best and if the club get an offer benafitial to them from a club good for me..." type attitude. I dont want to see him go, think we could get more for him as we move up the league and if he had a season in the Championship he would make the transition better. But if he does go I has seen enough from NC and NA to know it would be the best for US as well as the player. I'm gonna teach most of you on here to suck eggs (Most of you will know more about the game than me). But if he goes then we seem to be in a position to use the money earnt (Instead of it being swallowed up) to invest in say 2 or 3 £4 million players and give the team more depth
  21. So Friendly you're now on 1st name terms and have to put their last names in brackets so we know them
  22. darren2


    She's rubbish, but cooks a good breakfast!
  23. I think the Anfield one with an "alleged" or close to being minor and a pregnancy were the 1st gagging order. Although who that player is is anyone's guess.........
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