1,449 -
Everything posted by Dave Benson Phillips
I thought exactly that as I was queuing on Friday, a picture of Markus for the season would be a nice touch. I would email the club and suggest it... but they hate me.
I suspect that the club is in a period of probate at the moment, as such transfers cannot be made. I would however imagine it will be speeded through to allow us to make some purchases.
Not even on about free tickets, couldn't give a toss about that, it's Bridgetoofars retarded comparisons that got me biting.
We are not talking about R.A.F - We specifically are talking about Private soldiers. Whom are Army soldiers. There is 1000 times more training to be an Infantry Soldier than there is to be a bloomin healthcare support worker ( of which you used to compare Army pay as you seem to think the jobs are comparable - LMAO ) If you know about the recruitment process for an Infantry Soldier then please feel free to enlighten me and I will let you know if you are right.
I give an opinion as someone who... a) Spent 6 years as an Infantry Soldier b) Lived with a registered nurse for 3 years ( who also had to manage a team of 'wonderful' healthcare support workers ) I don't knock a nurse, have alot of respect for them, but I know they get paid very well, work short hours ( contrary to what you might be told ) , they have ample holiday, they have the choice of almost unlimited overtime which they can either bank as extra holiday or get renumerated favourably for. You are trying to compare a healthcare support worker to a trained Infantry soldier which is not only insulting to highly trained soldiers, but the 2 jobs are miles apart. Half of the healthcare support workers can't even speak English FFS.
Never have I met someone on a forum as stuck up their own arse as you. Do you realise what is involved in joining the Army? Seriously? Are you THAT deluded that you think someone walks into the careers office and joins up and joins their battalion the next week? Here is a fact ( that was certainly true when I was in ) - Less than 10% of people who walk into the Careers Office saying they want to join the Army actually make it through all the tests, aptitude, medical and fitness, get through Phase 1 training and Infantry Training and go on to join their battalion. But anyone can get in the army eh.....? FFS
Errr... I am not sure if you are aware, but as an Infantry officer - the ENTRY LEVEL is to be in charge of a platoon of 24 men ( plus support ) in an operational environment. Calling all the shots in a battle and effectively responsible for the lives of all 24 ( plus support ) of his men, one wrong call and you could cost the lives of a number of your soldiers. That is ENTRY LEVEL - as in, thats what they are expected to do on their first day after passing out of Sandhurst. I am not going to even bother replying to your other post trying to compare a f*cking healthcare support worker to a Infantry Soldier. Jesus f*cking Christ.
Depends what job they go for, doesn't it? Duh... Not all graduates are applicable to be officers if that is the point you are trying to make... and those that are officers are doing 20x harder work than a nurse, with 20 times more responsibility and 1 million times more danger. So really don't continue with your retardedness by now comparing a Commisioned Officer with a frikkin staff nurse. ( sod, it, stick this one into the lounge, I will happily debate with you till you cry on this one )
No no no no no. A 'Support Worker' is an entry level mongtard. ANYONE can be a support worker... it's on a par with a frikkin McDonalds worker. I seriously can't believe that you are now comparing a support worker to an infantry soldier. Unbelievable. But then again, you support BA going on strike, so that says all about you that we need to know. I will gracefully retire safe in the knowledge that I have PROVED that a NURSE earns MORE than a SOLDIER - This is a FACT I won't get myself infracted for biting at you comparing a healthcare support worker to an infantry soldier. The most fookin retarded comparison in the history of this forum.
Here is the link, just so you know next time how much a nurse gets paid. I think you were confusing 'Support Workers' with 'Nurses' An easy mistake to make. I forgive you. xx http://www.rcn.org.uk/support/pay_and_conditions/pay_rates_2009_-_2010
Wrong yet again ( you're not doing very well are you? ) Even if you did allow for the £20,000 salary for a private in Afghan ( this included 'danger money' , a soldier loses this when not on operations ) The MINIMUM STARTING salary for a registered nurse is £20,710 ( Source - RCN ) Glad we got that thought of yours corrected as well.
Once again, wrong. Most soldiers don't get paid more than nurses... unless they have a trade. Infantry Soldiers ( the vast majority getting injured/killed in Afghan ) get paid alot less than a nurse. Glad we got that thought of yours corrected as well.
Living in a room with 3 other people, no private facilities, having block inspections, not being allowed any visitors, let alone anyone stay the night, sleeping on an Army issue bed, with an army issue chair if you are lucky. Getting jailed if you don't keep your area in mint condition. Having show parades... yes... awesome that is. F*ck off saying that is a benefit. If a single soldier wants to have the same quality of life as a civvy then he pays exactly the same as anyone else for a flat and all the bills/taxes that come with it and doesn't have access to the cookhouse either so there is no benefit whatsoever. Glad we got your completely false thoughts corrected.
lol @ all you high and mightys. Fair play to The Sun. The only arrogance shown is from Cortese.
We really do have a bunch of complete and utter morons supporting our team.
Not really, the suspended their ban to write a respectful review of our owner. Fair play to them. And fair play to them for sticking to their guns about the coverage ban. I actually find it quite amusing.
BBC South Today News Presenters
Dave Benson Phillips replied to Johnny Shearer's topic in The Muppet Show
Not far off. I did finger her though. -
BBC South Today News Presenters
Dave Benson Phillips replied to Johnny Shearer's topic in The Muppet Show
Jealousy won't get you anywhere. It was in school and I didn't get more than a finger though as she was geeky, which is the reasons I dumped her. She didn't suit my super cool image and reputation. -
BBC South Today News Presenters
Dave Benson Phillips replied to Johnny Shearer's topic in The Muppet Show
I went out with a Meridian News Correspondent. -
Went up to the stadium about 1pm to pay my respects and sign the book. Was a good queue building. Will be a nice touch and gesture from us if as many people get there to sign it as possible. One positive " thankyou Mr Cortese " moment, is that the barriers are up in St Marys so parking is free for people who wish to pay their respects and sign the book ( the queue looked more than 30 minutes ) - well done SFC.
Oh my, hello Natalie. - I know of you, this is a fact, we have mutual friends and EVERYTHING! Just to keep this on topic and so I don't get infracted. Can you translate that message into English please? And double on topic, I am going to show my face down there this afternoon and pay my respects, the book of condolance is available from 1pm for anyone whom feels like it.
I think it is also worth noting that the whole Mali Group have asked for time to pause and have a period of mourning ( and administration ) . It's not just us. I don't think they are doing this for our benefits ( and why should they? It's not like any of us knew him ) , they are doing it for the benefit of their employees. So the fact MK has been postponed has got fook all to do with us apart from respect that a couple of days reflection ( across the business ) is what his family have decided is in the best interests of his family/friends/colleagues. I think people would do well to remember that.
Sounds very plausible. One thing Oldknow will do it make the club ALOT more fan friendly. I have heard his blueprint regarding community/supporter interaction ( when he was last at the club ) and it was impressive, well anyone can see it for themselves to some extent, because the Supporters Charter was his baby. Hence when he left... the charter went with him and we reverted to where we are now.
I am not getting into a pro/anti Cortese debate, now is not the time. But if it is true that Oldknow is coming back, then in my opinion it will be as Chairman and Cortese will leave. I would be massively surprised if the two of them worked together. Far to early to speculate though, and probably not the best time to either.
Maybe we could do something as a tribute for next home game?
Dave Benson Phillips replied to St Marco's topic in The Saints
I respectfully reserve my right to post on any thread I wish. I think everyone is getting a bit hysterical. The club will no doubt give us the opportunity to thank Markus. There is a book of condolance and you are free to go and pay your respects at St Marys over the next few days. All in my honest opinion, obviously.