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Dave Benson Phillips

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Everything posted by Dave Benson Phillips

  1. To be fair, it was a fair old whack, claret everywhere, my mate took a couple of pictures on his mobile, I won't ask him to upload them, for obvious reasons.
  2. Well he came in from the pub late and she started laying in to him, them slapped him, he basically snapped and hit yer back square in the face, bust her lip open. But she slapped him first so surely he was entitled to plant one on her too to even the scores? How can one person get charged and another not when both parties where willing for a scrap?
  3. If a woman hits you first then surely you are within your rights to give her a slap back? Only say this because my mate has been charged for assault for splitting open his (now ex ) birds lip open. The thing is, she hit him first, gave him a bit of a red mark as well, yet she escaped a charge. Now I know she has had to have a couple of stitches, but she called it on first. So surely was fair game? Either both of them should have been charged or none of them. Does anyone else have any examples of miscarriages of justice or sexual discrimination in the justice system?
  4. I was another moron on Op Fresco. Also have done flood evacuation and rescue and repatriation of British nationals in Rwanda. But hey... let's not let the FACTS that British Army's main role is home defence/British interest and MACP is a large part of the role. Afghan overshadows everything at the moment, but there is so much more to the British Army than running around after the Taliban.
  5. That is very naive to join the Marines and not expect to go to Afghanistan! And yes, there is a 32 week course to pass ( if you don't pass, you don't get through ) which is one of the toughest military training cadres in the world, and is one step down from S.A.S training. After this course then yes, I would class them as highly skilled. Not to mention there would be an intensive course specific to Afghan prior to depoyment. And it is not so much the initial training that develops a soldier into a highly skilled person, it's the ongoing training and development. 'Thick' people don't exist in the Army, they just don't make it through training on the whole. Yes meatheads get through, and dyslexic people... but 'thickos' don't. We only had one in our battalion, he feared for his life because although thick, his intelligence was enough for him to know he wasn't bright enough to be in the forces... he drove his car over Dover cliffs and killed himself. The majority of battalions are now overmanned. For our local regiment ( and my old regiment ) The Tigers, both battalions are overmanned, and there is now a waiting list, with recuiting officers only cherry picking the very best. This is a direct result of people wanting to serve and protect our country. So it's nothing to do with naivity... everyone knows Afghanistan is going on, it would be nice if people appreciated that some people know the risks, but are prepared to stick their life on the line to do the job. I think there is alot of people here who wouldn't do it themselves, either through lack of discipline, desire or simply not enough courage - therefore feel it right to undermine those that have stepped up to the plate. Without security forces, the UK would be a massive terror target... I think people would do well to remember that too. Give the soldiers free tickets, especially if they are not taking them off anyone else.
  6. I can only assume that you were p!ssed and trying to be the funnyman. It is true that squaddies are hated in most towns they are based. I was based in Canterbury and the men fookin hated us there. Why? Because none of the women in the town wanted them, they wanted a squaddie inside them ( we used to call them squaddie mattresses ) . I can understand their frustrations and can only assume you have been a victim of the same. It's good that you have finally moved out of the Garrison. Maybe now you will be able to find a girlfriend. Can't stop anyway, off to take my offspring to Paultons Park. Hoot hoot!
  7. 6 weeks? Obviously you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
  8. I will deal with you in the morning sunshine. If you are tagging me as being an "ITK bullsh!tter" - I will just point out that no, I am ex-military, so not claiming to be ITK, I am posting FACTS from first hand experience. And yes, I am a c*nt just like all squaddies... but I also know exactly what it entails to be an Infantry Soldier... so it's not ITK bull****e as you like to put it. Anyway, I'll address your points in the morning c*nty.
  9. I respect the work firefighters do when they are working. I thought they were absolute scum for going on strike. It is possible to hold both views. Nurses cannot be compared because there is no element of danger in their job... so no, course they can't be compared. Bridgetoofar compared like for like an Infantry Soldier to a Healthcare Support Worker. How the fook would you not call that slating? With all due respect to Healthcare Support Workers, it is an entry level job. I am sorry to burst a few stereotypes on here, but an Infantry Soldier is a highly skilled job, even more so nowadays with the technology and weapons that are available. Not 'anyone' can be an Infantry Soldier... as I have said a few times... less than 10% of people who apply to join the Army make it to battalion.
  10. Surely the fact they ALL know what to expect from the Army, the risks that are involved serving their country etc and yes STILL choose to serve, warrants them even more respect? Yes? What a f*cking stupid case you are trying to make... I suppose Nelson Mandela shouldn't get any more than a pat on the back, he knew he would go to prison for sticking up for the blacks after all eh? And I suppose all the fundraising for the St Marys Firefighters was wrong as well? I mean come on, they knew there was a chance they would get killed... so surely a polite applause is more than enough? ANYONE who puts their life in danger for the sake of others deserves to be treated with respect and be made to feel as if their efforts are appreciated. If free tickets help, then fair play.
  11. For violent offences, yeah sure, no problem with that... but running on the pitch at the end of the season? Exchanging a few verbals? Really?
  12. Banter and verbals between home and away fans are part and parcel of the game. They happen in every single ground in the world. Next they will have us all stood outside giving the away fans a guard of honour and applause as they enter/leave the stadium. Pathetic.
  13. More were arrested against Reading and Plymouth in relation to the P*mpey game. As well as some arrested last week for invading the pitch at the Southend game. OB are squeezing every last charge out possible it seems.
  14. No I just don't believe that is their opinion in the real world. Maybe it is because 2 of the more 'controversial' posters on here, myself and D*lldays are military/ex-military and they see it as a good opportunity to get a bite... who knows. Wilko comes across as a very bitter person, I am guessing that his ex-missus left him for a soldier, or something similar. Luckily the vast majority of the country don't feel the same as Wilko, proven by Poppy Day, Help for Heroes, Military Awards, Armed Forces Day, British Legion etc etc , not to mention Tony Blair donating all proceeds from his book to the Royal British Legion.
  15. Talk about twist and spin. Did I say that? What I said is its yet another case of people showing off behind their PC and will almost certainly not be their opinion in the real world.
  16. I shall show my face with the kids. The least we can do as Saints fans.
  17. Why should kids get given free tickets?
  18. It's quite obvious the point I was making was in response to claims that soldiers have more disposable income than others which is b*llocks when you compare like for like. I am not sure what you are trying to do with your username, trying to be the sarcastic funnyman all of a sudden. But just so you know, you are about as funny as chlamydia.
  19. Do you have an idea... explain? No you don't because you have never been in that environment. Once again there are so many things that are wrong and misguided with your post. Just so you know again... if a soldier wants a normal quality of life ( away from living in shared single soldiers accomodation which one can only compare to living at home with your Mum and Dad and 30 brothers ) then they pay EXACTLY THE SAME as anyone else, the same bills, the same rent/mortgage, the same tax. If you are begrudging someone having their rations paid for whilst they are living out of a fookin tent for 6 months and see that as them having 'free cash' then you really need to get some sort of reality check. I put it to you that you are just bitter and twisted because you were not good enough to get into the Army ( once again, to combat the 'thick, anyone can join' posts which will follow ) Less than 10% of people that come in to the careers office to join the Army make it through training and into battalion.
  20. Absolutely spot on. What the majority of people on this thread don't realise is that the MAIN role of the British Forces is home defence. If we were to get invaded / severe terrorist attack etc then it would be these people who will put their lives on the line to save the lives of YOU. If the Fire Service decide they want another unreasonable pay rise, and go on strike again - It's the Army that will step in and cover for them which might save YOU or your familes lives. If there is a natural disaster... who will be called in? People would do well to remember that the British Army is to serve and protect British people and British interests - they might be in Afghan at the moment, but sooner or later they will be protecting your arses again. Bridgetoofar is f*cking insulting by trying to compare a soldier to a healthcare support worker when justifying pay. It either shows a good ability of getting me to bite or shows her to be completely stuck up her own arse.
  21. Some of our fans are morons, one reason it people such as yourself come on here trying to be the funny man. For example, you stated that I think soldiers are deserving of free tickets, when infact I said nothing of the sort. Others are morons for many different reasons, mainly for trolling the internet and saying things they wouldnt do away from the safety of their PC. The main morons are the people kicking off about Soldiers getting free tickets. Absolutely fookin pathetic.
  22. Come on Deppo. You are the new resident funny man on the forum. I didn't expect you to just ignore being proved wrong.
  23. Errr... would you like to point me in the direction where I stated Soldiers should get free tickets? No... didn't think so... I would pay attention to threads in the future, rather than coming up with your rather dull, sarcastic drivel.
  24. Depends whether they would be relying on a sub from Markus to purchase a player. ( many people on here seem to think he was bankrolling us ) The may well have offered straight cash for a player or two, with Markus footing the bill, so have to wait for probate.
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