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Dave Benson Phillips

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Everything posted by Dave Benson Phillips

  1. Alot more than there has been so far. Generally speaking, most of the Sunday nationals have a half page on Sunday for the main game... I think Saints would have been the main game at least once. Some of the papers would have actually bothered to report on the game. Liebherrs death would have got more publicity. Out new signing will get more publicity. The pictures would be better quality in the Echo. There would be more unbiased photos of the match available on the internet. Etc etc... Does that answer your question?
  2. You are contradicting yourself. You admit that papers are finding a way round the ban, yet say there is still a market? Sky are obvioulsy giving the Echo screenshots from footage, nationals ( every single one of them ) are not buying our prints. It's stupid, retarded and bad business, as has been proved.
  3. In a word... no.
  4. Pretty much every one so far this season. Watch Football League Show and have a look from about 40 minutes. MASSIVE difference.
  5. Well can you explain to me why every other stadium I visited last season ( about 15 ) in League 1 seem to have alot of sponsorship and advertising and the ones I remember noticing... busy hospitality areas? Maybe you should pop over from America yourself, that might give you grounds for a reasonable debate then?
  6. Comparing as like for like as possible, I used Sheff Weds Exec Box Hire Sheff Weds £88+VATpp Saints £110 - £135+VATpp Exec Club Sheff Weds £71+VAT Saints £120+VAT 'Carvery' Sheff Weds £55+VAT Saints £99+VAT Although not sure whether beer is thrown in with Wednesday... still.... even without, a marked difference in prices...
  7. The 'renewal' on season tickets WOULD have been down, no doubts about that. Luckily the club attract extra success chasers which softened the blow and made it look less of a big deal than it was. But we have talked about it a million times and it's boring now. We are talking about something completely different... get with the programme or go comment on another thread.
  8. I think that is the point I am making as well... the club need to realise that although people have the same Premiership aspirations, we are not there yet, and until they are they can't get away with charging £117 for a Carvery! This has been proven beyond reasonable doubt by the lack of uptake.
  9. The club stated when they announced that there would be no shirt sponsor that they still wanted a 'main sponsor' , we don't have one... so it suggests they couldn't find one! No? No MAIN sponsor does not mean less advertising if they replace them with more smaller/local advertising. On another point, even Draper Tools seem to have withdrawn pretty much all of their sponsorship this year... yet I notice them in the papers sponsoring pretty much every other fookin team in the country pitchside! Why don't they support their local club more FFS!!! And B&Q!!! Ordnance Survey, Skandia, Aviva Healthcare, British Gas, Fortis Insurance etc etc etc... plenty of massive companies with local interests in and around Southampton.
  10. Haha... his daughter is a girl though, and that's who does the eBay site.
  11. Will get some pics for you tonight. Not a secret society... it's just not my venture and not my place to name-drop! Also the person who posts on here is only a registered user so you can't PM. And then there is 'image rights' and 'copyright' no doubt... even though it is a product the club don't sell, and one that has been around for years...
  12. It stands to reason that if people decide they don't want to sponsor us, there will be less pitch side advertising. Thanks for pointing that out. The club did state they were still looking for a 'headline sponsor' though a few months ago... which they don't seem to have found.
  13. I am not saying that it is the only reason, but it is certainly a consideration you would take into account as an advertiser. And as far as 'TV Facing' sponsorship goes, I didn't notice one non-Football League sponsor on that side. When you look round other stadiums, it is not as bad for other clubs... just wonder what ours is doing wrong. Cost, value for money and competition I guess.
  14. I am debating, and giving my opinion. I am not saying my opinion is the right one, if it's not then bring something to the table... Although it is funny that some people on here are now saying that maybe we don't need the money for advertisers... I bet if I look through their post history they will be complimenting Cortese on maximising revenue by adding fees too. Corporate Hospitality and Advertising/Sponsorship is a very significant part of a clubs income. As I said... it's debate... just seems to be MASSIVELY down on numbers as opposed to last season.
  15. There's some fittys in the photos. But the c*nts wanted £9.99 for a months membership... I bet once you have paid they change into munters.
  16. Other Corporate areas and pitchside advertising seem to be aplenty at other grounds, I don't think it is just Southampton that have been through a recession. I think it is more of a case of 'value for money'. Locally, we have lost a massive amount of money to the Rose Bowl in every way, matchday and non-matchday events.
  17. SFC have a commercial agreement with BBC, so my bet is they get the pics on the house as they were invited to the press conference. As for everyone else... The Echo are using screenshots ( I assume from Sky coverage ) and there are no other papers that I have noticed today or websites that are using pictures from St Marys. The press won't crack until we are in the Premiership and newsworthy, and even then, the Premier League will step in and tell Cortese to wind his neck in. Nice attempt at sarcasm though. Fail. xx
  18. If you have a specific idea then you are welcome to PM me and I will pass it on, if there is enough demand then I think they can make any badge. One of the people involved is a poster on here but not sure if they want their identity known so message me and I will pass it on.
  19. That would be true... if it wasn't for the fact I myself have been a regular Corporate Customer at SFC for the last 25 years. It was just an observation, didn't blame anyone, just wondered why all of a sudden the Corporate area is deserted and the pitchsided advertisement non-existant. With regards to the pitchside advertising, the photography ban will obviously scare off advertisers. With the Corporate Hospitality, I think the 1885 Club idea has devalued the product somewhat and over-priced for what it is. Definately in comparison to what's on offer at the Rose Bowl and Newbury/Goodwood/Ascot Racecourses. Not a dig, just an observation.
  20. Stating a fact Once Bitter... maybe because you don't go to games you didn't notice?
  21. Just spoke to her, they have designed R.I.P Liebherr badges and they should arrive this week hopefully. I will post a link once she gives me the nod they have arrived.
  22. I wasn't talking about the boxes, I was talking about the suites. Probably less than 50 seats taken up... when you think the whole Corporate suites combines caters for more than 2000 when full.
  23. Source? Regardless of the reasons anyway, the point is that we seem to be losing a hell of alot of sponsorship and advertising revenue. Have a look round Bristol Rovers next Saturday, or indeed anyone else in our division. Seeing as we are all so obsessed with SFC maximising revenue. Someone in the Corporate Hospitality / Sponsorship department blatantly needs a rocket up their arse!
  24. Sorry, where did you hear that? I can't see the club removing revenue streams to replace them with black boards out of respect.
  25. Have never seen so few sponsors around the perimeter as yesterday, there was probabaly less than half a dozen non-Football League sponsorship boards around the ground. Also, the corporate area was emptier than I have ever seen it before... probably less than 50 Corporate Hospitality customers. I assume that the new marketing bloke is taking charge of this area and might explain why it looks so neglected? Or maybe SFC are not good value for money in relation to say, The Rose Bowl, for advertising, sponsorship and Corporate Hospitality? I do know not only do we lose alot of revenue to the Rose Bowl, pretty much every Corporate member of staff at the Rose Bowl has left SFC to join them. Edit - What a stupid title - Mods, please change to " Sponsorship & Corporate Hospitality "
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