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Everything posted by BLINK

  1. bob dylan, Hurricane - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rg2eby79aM
  2. does no harm, used to take a slash in the sink in my room at uni after a night out from time to time.
  3. BLINK

    The Pacific

    episode 2 was actually quite good, story lines and themes seem to have a much slower build up to them compared to Band of Brothers.
  4. BLINK

    The Pacific

    was pretty decent. get the feeling that the main character will become completely disillusioned by the war.
  5. I have been to about 1 or 2 games this year, I got a ticket no probs.
  6. 'some kind of nature' is good
  7. Barnards style of play reminds me of Kevin Phillips
  8. get over it.
  9. have not seen cheap as chimps yet.
  10. does anyone have a clip of Antonio being subbed against mkdons? that walk/wobble off the pitch was one of the funniest things i think iv seen.
  11. what was the goal like?
  12. he does not have a footballers brain
  13. go to sussex, top nights out in brighton.
  14. saints being saints, I think we will win.
  15. will there be an open top bus around southampton after?
  16. magic, the its the last minute of the 'balcony scene' on spotify. been listening to nick cave's music for the assassination of jesse james, some nice stuff on that.
  17. was on around a year ago, pretty sure it was rooney sliding in the rain in slow motion. The music sounds mainly violin based.
  18. I have been trying to find a song for ages, I am sure it was in Romeo and Juliet and a sky sports advert, sounds like Ian Browns F.E.A.R anyone know of it??
  19. this game has late goal written all over it
  20. In the quiet words of the virgin Mary...... come again?
  21. have you got a link for this?
  22. what time is the draw?
  23. I would love to do pompey in their back yard, but the chances of us doing that are slim.
  24. what number are we?
  25. shows he cares, i like that
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