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Everything posted by Bananaman

  1. This guy gets it
  2. These are the same people of went in to meltdown when we signed Hooiveld at the 11th hour.. or when we only brought in Cork and Deridder last year.. when will people learn that we are not all football managers, sometimes you have to sit back and trust in Adkins, he has not led us wrong so far. I swear sometimes people forget where we have been for the past 8 years, things are going well, we should be happy with our progress and trust those making the decisions.
  3. This guy gets it..
  4. so the control group is a small selection of football fans, who own Fifa 12... not really reliable,
  5. Alexander Ostlund discovered a cure for Aids but lost it in a game of backgammon to a young sailor in Cuba, the sailor has not been seen since
  6. so what is the top two for the first game?? Carroll and Welbeck... oh dear
  7. GK – Hart, Green, Ruddy DF – Baines, Cahill, Cole, Johnson, Jones, Lescott, Terry M – Barry, Downing, Gerrard, Lampard, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Parker, Walcott, Young, Milner S – Carroll, Defoe, Rooney, Welbeck
  8. Harsh on Kevin Miller.. Thought he did well when drafted in.. sure he was no Kelv but thought we had him to thank for many points in his time
  9. Ban him?? on what basis should the OP be banned? on the basis that they got something wrong? on the basis that they posted a football related question on a football forum? why stop at a ban.. surely the OP should be shot, along with their family... especially on the basis that the OP realised their own mistake and apologised.. maybe the OP should be forced to identify themselves so that we might start a campaign to get them banned from St Mary's for life... after all the OP is the probably the kind of supporter that dresses up at games and sings the wrong kind of songs... I bet they even missed a few tuesday night away games in league one.. damn them.. I, for one, am with Glasgow Saint and request a lifetime ban and execution of OP!!!
  10. Shut up, just shut up... If a fan pays for a ticket for a game they can dress and act as they please (provided it does not offend or hurt others).. get over yourself, you are not better or worse a supporter than anyone else. There is no elitism in supporting a football club people are just enjoying themselves, families, friends, if you don't like it then you can make the choice not to follow the sport. Why do you care what people think of our supporters? Have a day off, accept that people have the right to dress and support their club as they wish and it has very little to do with you.
  11. Jermaine Wright x 11
  12. surely.. he took us
  13. Their goal difference means they're all but in the PO's even with a draw
  14. when pompey go down.. please start a thread of images of their fans crying etc...
  15. Pompey score..... irrelevant
  16. Impossible even if west Ham win tomorrow and next weekend, we would still be above them on gd....
  17. Its fine.. when was the last time we conceded late!?!
  18. GOOOAAAALLLLLLLAAAAA I would bum Lambert..... just sayin
  19. RICKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going up, we are going up!!!!
  20. just watched highlight.. they really were 2 outrageous goals, another day would have been 2-0 easy. win on Monday, onwards and upwards
  21. I got really drunk and missed the game, when I sobered up I was informed it was 0-0 full time....
  22. also... im not sure what 'Urley' is...
  23. If this is true it should be kept underwraps... whilst I would love Rickie to be back, it is urely up to the club use that information as they see fit
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