I, for one, support Brand and what he is doing. Getting young people interested in politics even if you disagree with his view point. Most people who ***** and moan about what Brand is doing are the same people who **** and moan about bedroom tax, corporate bodies avoiding tax, draconian police tactics, the oppression of syndicalism, privatisation of the NHS etc etc etc at least he is standing for something unlike the passive bewildered heard (to quote Chomsky) who spend their lives watching xfactor, masturbating and chasing vacuous goals. The rise in far-right wing support (ukip) is nothing if not a clear indication of a society disenchanted with politicians and corporate greed. A society where the most vulnerable individuals (those below the poverty line, immigrants, those with drug and/or alcohol addiction) are attacked and targeted as the problem whilst MPs, banks and corporate bodies drain billions from the economy funded by us, the Orwellian prols.