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Everything posted by beardy

  1. Like say, 21st in the last 8 games form table?
  2. Seriously? You think that? You've played Leicester which I'll give you but they have hardly been setting the world alight. Added to that Leeds, Forest and Ipswich who I think we can safely call "crisis clubs" given their starts and pre-season favourites for the drop Barnsley. I'd say we've both got off to great starts but you're still trying to keep up!
  3. On the beach with 5 games left. Top of the table from September. I found it very comfortable.
  4. But you COULD be 6 points behind them by then?
  5. 'When I came here we were 22nd in the division, I'm not sure how many points we were behind Brighton at the time......' NickG? Care to tell him? Good grief, what an interview. Sore loser or what?
  6. http://www.footballpools.com/football-fever/Rivalries_Report_2008.pdf Not proper Pal*ce fans then. Incidently, couldn't give a **** about a guard of honour. Although we gave Swansea one a few years back. That was the last game of the season though.
  7. No. Huddersfield Town game.
  8. Preston Park. 10 minute walk.
  9. Luckily we have a league table for that.
  10. ****e ground I'll give you. Pubs however....plenty of decent boozers just outside Brighton station. Battle of Trafalgar, Lord Nelson and Evening star all top pubs. Station just outside Preston Park also a good pub. http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/results.shtml/tr/234
  11. Yep, Harvey's and Dark Star. Plus, select local brews for the away fans.
  12. There is indeed. Maybe if you'd taken it a little more seriously you'd have sneaked into the play-offs? Good luck in them this year btw.
  13. Yeah, right. Of course it was. It was 1-3.
  14. I think you might need to check the scoreline actually mate.
  15. Make that 11
  16. He could have said "Yes, I expect them to be challenging for the title with us." when asked "do you see Brighton as your main rivals?" Instead he chose "If they can keep up with us." Do you think ANY set of fans would let that pass, given what has happened since?
  17. Exactly. You are are nearest rivals in terms of points per game so naturally there is interest. Oh, and btw, there are also 4 threads about Brighton on this forum's front page. Now come on, keep up!
  18. beardy


    You're an idiot. That's what it tells me.
  19. wishful thinking indeed, but he didn't imagine it... http://www.northstandchat.com/showthread.php?197484-10-point-penalty-!
  20. beardy


  21. Yeah, guilty as charged. Didn't look at the user name before posting. Not unreasonable to think a 'writer' and fan night know the name of their own manager.
  22. Skimmed. Obviously. Unless you don't know his name either?
  23. You might want to get the name of their manager right. Other than that pretty poor. I realise it's all about 2nd now but you could mention why and give BHA some credit in your piece.
  24. Can't help you there for a while. Our next 8 games are against teams currently in the bottom 9 (except Rochdale)
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