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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Men need sex. Prostitutes give guaranteed sex. Go figure..
  2. That was "Serious Scott". He rarely decides to show himself, but he has gone now anyway. ghey lolz. xXxXx
  3. When you put everything into perspective, it's actually quite funny when you think how protective people get about their countries etc. I mean, we're all people, and all live on the same ball of mass......but have decided over the thousands of years to create these little make believe lines seperating us from other people. I'm not all for everyone moving anywhere..... but when you put it into perspective, does it really matter?
  4. If we lived in the same city it would have a very tiny chance of happening. As we're not, it has f**k all chance of happening.
  5. ....'cause I'm sure they would all tell you the truth!!
  6. How exactly, are you supposed to know if a prozzie is being trafficked or pimped?
  7. Buenos?
  8. Teh 13th January. Was also born on a Friday. Go me.
  9. I really REALLY think he souldn't play this weekend!!!
  10. http://bnp.org.uk/about-us/policies/ Quite an interesting read if you don't know much about their policies. But as Rob said, it's far too easy to make policies "sound" good (although some of the content just sounds ridiculous and way OTT in a Hitler kinda way!!)
  11. CAPRICORN You are deep and personal in your thoughts, the quiet type. A mean self-centred c*nt and a closet homosexual. Your best friend is probably an altar boy. But I'm not a "closet" homosexual. So it's wrong!!
  12. From their website..... "We are against the ‘trendy’ teaching methods that have made Britain one of the most poorly educated nations in Europe. We will end the practice of politically correct indoctrination in all its guises and we will restore discipline in the classroom, give authority back to teachers and put far greater emphasis on training young people in the industrial and technological skills necessary in the modern world. We will also seek to instill in our young people knowledge of and pride in the history, cultures and heritage of the native peoples of Britain!
  13. Nah. I don't consider myself a follower of any political parteh. This is because admittedly, I know diddly squat about any of them.
  14. Just a bit of bait for the BNP followers amongst us.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7737134.stm
  15. Are you on the list?
  16. I found a body once. Couldn't be arsed to report it.
  17. 10.12 from Beastleigh
  18. Battery acid.
  19. Pm??? Is my brother not on it then?
  20. Done that. Gets boring after a while.
  21. We could share??
  22. Pfft.....you're all in da nile!!
  23. Anyone ever secks'd a fake vaj?? I'm considering buying one. Any feedback would be great. Scott E-dawg xx
  24. I'll take whatever I can get.
  25. I can confirm that I'm always available for rebound secks, if this is the course you wish to take. Scott e-dawg xXxXx
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