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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. He's quite normal, really.
  2. I didn't realise quite how good BWP's second goal was. To get that much power on the shot from practically nothing is awesome!
  3. Kewl... I've always wanted a stalker! Thinking back...were you sat on the benches to the left of us at Basingstoke station?? I did catch a glimpse of a few people there laughing at us when hounding the young girls!
  4. I do try my best to look good for you Jilleh Can't say I saw you though, but I do recall hounding the said young girls. I think we scared them off quite well!! Also saw our Stuey at 3 Guineas and talking to the OB, and saw Steve Grant n' all. 'twas a good day!
  5. A car park.
  6. Where has he said this? Link?
  7. I was up at 4 a couple of nights ago to have a banging s**t. I can confirm it was strange.
  8. What you up to homedawgs?? Tonight- Either meet some clunge or go to pub. Sat- 10.12 train to Reading, get stupidly drunk for the day and see Saints lose. Quarter to 11 train back. Sun- Bed all day.
  9. This is because women have many male friends that they never think about sleeping with. Whereas men will always think/want to sleep with their female friends (if phit).
  10. S13 recently asked me what people mean when they say "moy".....obviously referring to "moi". lolz
  11. Where did I say that?? Nah, she merely just brought it up in every argument that occured afterwards. We split up 'cause we both cheated on each other, being the lovely couple we were!
  12. I never try clothes on in shops. My ex missus kept pestering me to do so and I calmly stated "I never have and never will try clothes on in shops. You can't change me". Little did I know that she would store the "You can't change me" bit of the sentence and hold it against me for years. Bloody women.
  13. Not bad, not bad!! Thought it was you as there wouldn't be many groups of 20 getting on the same train Coley can't go now but Clifton's taken his place n' we're skipping the brekkie but meeting you lot at the station. We're staying in Reading for a bit afterwards aswell (last train back quarter to 11)- my liver aint gonna like it!!
  14. .....and the Prince beforehand?
  15. Yeah. Time for the left back thread methinks!
  16. Yeah, but we're allowed though!!
  17. Neither. I reckon he IS a mate, but more tha just a "normal" mate and she obviously wants to have good ol' flirt with him hence disguising his name.
  18. If he was just as much of a mate as all her other male mates, then he wouldn't be under a girls name on her phone. Or have all her male friends got female names in her phonebook?? Just my opinion TDD, but looks a bit fisheh to me!
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Wooden-Bead-Abacus-New-Educational-Childrens-Toy_W0QQitemZ260294119519QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Toys_Creative_Educational_RL?hash=item260294119519&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1431%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  20. Nah I wouldn't buy that one mate. Sounds like the sort of excuse a man can get a woman to believe, but not the other way round!!
  21. I have those emails saved actually. Shall have a read...
  22. Oh dear C0rp. I thought better of you. Did you not see how many people on our main board were "told indirectly" by "someone high up" or "involved in the deal"?? As far as I'm aware, the takeover never happened. Save yourself now and stop claiming to know so much when you probably know very little!
  23. Anyone know how many sold so far?
  24. I can confirm the above statement.
  25. No. A big fat, categoric no.
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