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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. So it was. Should of known considering I watched it on tv!!
  2. Is it our first time on Setanta??
  3. On a Sunday AND on tv?? We wont sell out. That is fact.
  4. I personally think the skates deserved to win, although this has no effect on how funny I found the last minute goal by Inzaghi!
  5. By "idiotic supporters" I assume you mean the ones who DON'T want him to die??
  6. Fancy dress sucks ass. It is only acceptable for women to actually enjoy it.
  7. I was a tad bitter when Pompey were winning, purely because I knew they would go on about it forever if they won. But they didn't win due to a last minute goal and for this reason, I'm lol'ing at the c**ts.
  8. I hate it when average players wear fancy football boots. Pink aswell? Hope someone breaks your legs. Incidentally, the best football I ever played was when I was wearing a pair of old cr@ppy Lotto's passed down from my step dad!! Loved them things n' all!
  9. I like to think that I'm not sad enough to hate the blue few too much, but I did find myself jumping up and shouting "F**king have that you skate c**ts" when the goal went in. Good result for them still, but atleast I wont hear how they beat AC Milan in 2008 for the rest of my life. lolz @ them.
  10. Micky Mouse cup anyway...
  11. I'm thankful that we managed to sign Paul Wotton. We've always needed a flair player like himself.
  12. The changing rooms at Fratton will be more glamorous than the ones at San Siro. Anyone else who has had a tour at the San Siro would be able to confirm this.
  13. I'm sure they have been to worst grounds in Italy tbf.
  14. It may or may not be me.
  15. What's it like with sound??
  16. Are you me??
  17. We'll lose, and we'll lose badly, and that'll bring us back down to earth. Mark my words, because we're Southampton. It's what we do!!
  18. Obviously shows that you are lying. S13 hates football and wasn't there. HTH
  19. Ffs, and apparently me and S13 look alike. I'd rather not look like an ass
  20. Oh c'mon....mine was hardly in the same vain!!
  21. Maybe the baby was a little s**t??
  22. Rob 4 gingerz lull
  23. She's a lucky b*tch because I would happily allow her to recieve scott e-dawg's "Russell the love muscle".
  24. Fri- Pub for a few quiet ones. Sat- Up early for train to Reading. On the p155 all day and saw Saints win! Got back to Eastleigh at around 9ish and stayed in Litter Tray 'til 2. Was f**ked!! Sun- Bed. All day. 10/10 due to Saints winning and an awesome away day!
  25. I hate the Shamblehurst. That is all.
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