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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Update is complete. Hope you enjoy the newly rennovated facebook group.
  2. I willingly recieve the poll on a regular basis.
  3. Currently listening to the following albums: Nirvana- Bleach Biffy- Puzzle Smiths- Sound of the Smiths
  4. I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander out where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Goodbye! I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time Everything is turning black for me. My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up This is not the way I pictured me I can't control my shakes How the hell did I get here? Something about this, so very wrong... I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this Is it a dream or a memory? I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander over where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... Get outta my head cuz I don't need this Why I didn't I see this? I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate I have sinned by just Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander out where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
  5. xylophone buggery
  6. "EASY EASY EASY" when 3-0 up against Leeds United
  7. Can't say I saw this. So apologies about my original comment. It is however, the type of "fashionable" names a load of young slags will no doubt name their kids.
  8. If this was the reason for the names then fair do's. Thanks for the insults aswell, c-0cklespaz. x
  9. Possibly. But it does tend to fit in with all the sh1tty "fashionable" names thing going on by all the slags that think it's cool to get up the duff at such a young age. But I'll shut up, otherwise this thread may go off on a different and possibly distasteful tangent.
  10. Typical of an 18 year old Mum to call the kids Hope and Faith ffs. Anyway that's a different matter... Shame about the little one!
  11. Me and 3 season ticket holders are getting our tickets in the Itchen North tomorrow, plus the extra 4 we're allowed. I can confirm that one of these 4 tickets is for a Manyoo fan. I do apologise to everyone on this forum for such a betrayal. x
  12. Yeah in teh garage. Got a few funny looks as we took it home on the train
  13. That was me and S13. No s**t.
  14. I sucked off a 'orse.
  15. Thanks for that Calvin.
  16. Perhaps he got confused when hearing about a donkey punch, and instead did a suffolk punch??
  17. The horse obviously let him though. That is eriskay attitude to have towards sex imo.
  18. I find it rather saddle everyone does on here is think of puns to go with the subject.
  19. One of my work mates purchased a few tickets for him and his family. He got lol'd at.
  20. Sounds like the bloke and the horse had quite a stable relationship.
  21. 'tis a good idea actually. Any hole's a goal, right??
  22. You have an email.
  23. I want a girlfriend, so I can fit in with all the women hating on here. Sadly I don't think many wimminz are interested in someone who only wants to be with them so they can talk about their relationship to geeks on a innernet fore arm.
  24. You're a c**t. HTH
  25. Chris Hoye should win, imo.
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