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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Well the main migraine "attack" has gone and I'm left with what is now a minor headache. Top of the morning to you all!!!
  2. F**k it. Going home at 12 as flexi time. Nothing a good ol' sesh on teh xbox can't sort out!!
  3. Hmm don't think so. It may have been caused by the bright lighting where I work seeing as it gave me a slight headache yesteday. 'twas not good fun getting out of bed this morning though and falling over straight away due to lightheadedness. F**k knows why I'm at work :confused:
  4. Wear a jacket.
  5. they're not fun when they make you fall over, slur your speech, make you cold, stop you from concentrating and give you blurry vision. I don't recommend getting a migraine. Especially at work. That is all.
  6. Harry Redknapp??
  7. Fri- Went to teh pub n had teh beer. Sat- Stayed in and watched tellybox. Had a brief trip to Winchester for Red Bull and pubwatch. Sun- Went to somehwere called Blisworth for a f**king family christmas meal. "Hows work?"......ffs!!! Stayed in bed in t'evening. 6.5/10
  8. Probably go down teh george. Fancy dress theme of "sci fi" kewl
  9. Cr@p away form versus cr@p home form.......... 0-0 for me. Mark my words.
  10. "I realised that I'm a woman and women don't belong at football games, therefore I went back to doing shopping as that is what we do best, other than cooking and cleaning" ???
  11. Tonight- Pub Sat- Pub, sms for the footeh, probably meet gash in t'evening Sun- Meet the family for f**king christmas meal b0ll0cks! Be a bum when back home.
  12. I don't see how this thread is related to Lowe or Man United. Mods lock this tripe!!
  13. I'm sure it wont be a sell out against Sheffield Wednesday tbf.
  14. Got my ticket. Just as excited as I would be if it was Accrington Stanley though. I'm a Saints fan, and I go to support Saints. I don't give twho s**ts about the other team.
  15. Things only get smashed up when they win, I'll have you know.
  16. I have been told on various occasions, that I am the "bee's knees". What I want to know is, do bees have knees?
  17. Either 98 or 99 (Can't remember if Pearce was included last time someone gave the answer)
  18. Build flats. And put up traffic lights.
  19. Nothing. HTH
  20. I had a Wii and played it once in 6 months. I'd much rather play on a console that doesn't make me look like a complete arse throwing my arms about all over the place etc.
  21. That doesn't even bare thinking about!!
  22. I wonder if he'll be as a good a set piece specialist as the last two we signed?? (Wotton and Idiakez )
  23. Am I your e-friend Jilleh? Do you also stalk me online aswell as real life?? x
  24. Hi Super Ken, Shut up and stop moaning you old c**t. Yours sincerely SFC
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