Hmm don't think so. It may have been caused by the bright lighting where I work seeing as it gave me a slight headache yesteday.
'twas not good fun getting out of bed this morning though and falling over straight away due to lightheadedness. F**k knows why I'm at work :confused:
they're not fun when they make you fall over, slur your speech, make you cold, stop you from concentrating and give you blurry vision.
I don't recommend getting a migraine. Especially at work.
That is all.
Fri- Went to teh pub n had teh beer.
Sat- Stayed in and watched tellybox. Had a brief trip to Winchester for Red Bull and pubwatch.
Sun- Went to somehwere called Blisworth for a f**king family christmas meal. "Hows work?"......ffs!!! Stayed in bed in t'evening.
"I realised that I'm a woman and women don't belong at football games, therefore I went back to doing shopping as that is what we do best, other than cooking and cleaning"
Tonight- Pub
Sat- Pub, sms for the footeh, probably meet gash in t'evening
Sun- Meet the family for f**king christmas meal b0ll0cks! Be a bum when back home.
Got my ticket. Just as excited as I would be if it was Accrington Stanley though.
I'm a Saints fan, and I go to support Saints. I don't give twho s**ts about the other team.
I had a Wii and played it once in 6 months.
I'd much rather play on a console that doesn't make me look like a complete arse throwing my arms about all over the place etc.