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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. wet c**t.
  2. Am I also invited jilleh? I have no fwends xx
  3. I was also due to be the main character in Scrooge once. But in a school assembly my mate behind me decided it would be a good idea to stick a needle into my neck, thus causing me to shout something along the lines of "Ahhhh f**k!!!". I was then no longer allowed to have the part. Needless to say, the friend of mine got severe beatings (consisting of ruler slaps, nipple cripples, vicks in eyes...etc)
  4. The highlight of my acting career was when I was a "sea serpent" in the school play. I had to dance whilst wearing my Mum's tights. Good days...
  5. I know Jilleh, I know. Sadly, my feelings for Jeremy Kyle happen to greater than those for you xx
  6. lol@ Surman thinking he's ready for the prem.
  7. Watching Jeremy Kyle makes me feel good about myself.
  8. Tbf, the kids are in year 5. I can remember being in year 5 and any kid that believed in Sant at that age would have got sever nipple cripples for being so stupid.
  9. I heard there is going to be a tidal wave in Southampton tonight. Can anyone confirm this??
  10. 'fraid so. How will you live with yourself after missing such an opportunity!!
  11. that is coz i am teh ghey. x
  12. I went and purchased some tanned shoes for Stevo as his shoes suck ass. I also purchased a new trolley for him seeing as the last one he was seen using wasn't very kewl.
  13. I don't. Bishopstoke. Thanx . xx
  14. Lallana rhymes with bannana. For this reason, I don't think we should sell him.
  15. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/3967214.Cork__I_m_loving_it_at_Saints_and_want_to_stay/ Thank f**k for that. One of our best players imo.
  16. Women don't understand though. You complain about silly things like giving birth n' stuff. God knows how much you'd complain if you ever had something as bad as man flu!!
  17. Rohypnol is the only drug worth taking tbf. Atleast, thats what I tell the wimminz anyway.
  18. I am not aware of these nights ever taking place in my life. Then again, perhaps me not remembering may be part of the problem??
  19. A come down from sleeping??
  20. Is Lloyd James so cr@p that he doesn't even count as part of the formation?
  21. "Once someone threw a rock at Aiko. That really upset me"
  22. Bacon double cheeseburgers from BK are the lad's nads!!! Gimme one of those over a burger that costs 5 times the price and doesn't taste as good anyday!
  23. teh foursome is awesome!1!!!1!11!
  24. i'm 'ere. brapz
  25. I also have no problems with assisted suicide for people who are suffereing greatly. As pointed out, we wont let a animal suffer so why do we let humans suffer. Imo, we are entitled to a dignified death so if someone wants to die to stop unbearable suffering then they should have the right to do so. The main thing that seems to disagree with euthanasia is religion. But seeing as religion is based on unrealistic supreme beings (imo) then I'm not too fussed about this side of the argument.
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