Fri- Went to teh pub. Went back home for a few hours of ghey singing and vodka.
Sat- Woke up with a Matt Le Tissier framed picture next to me that may or may not have came from the pub. Stayed in and watched tellybox with wine in t'evening.
Sun- Went to air traffic place in Swanwick. Saw a near collision. 'twas kewl. Played xbox in t'evening.
I used to buy it off a bloke in Winchester. Used to speak to him outside Mcdonalds in Winchester whilst waiting for someone after work everyday. Nice bloke, being an alcoholic aside.
I get all of the titty calenders that are sent to the workplace. I give a few out to peopple I like, but keep most of them to myself so the "wet to reveal" ones only have my saliva.
Tonight- Either pub for beer, or stay at home with some gash.
Sat- Be a bum. Pub or town in t'evening.
Sun- Go to NATS in Swanick and land planes.