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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. I heard that that all the players were doing cocaine on the Friday night before the game. What has happened to our club??
  2. Being a bouncer seems to attract the same sort of people who join the army, in that a fair amount are thick as s**t, can't do another job, and know nothing but fighting.
  3. I had a wet dream last night. 'twas alright.
  4. Thank god! Tim has created a thread about a different subject to those he usually creates!! Oh...
  5. I'd rather have a pot noodle.
  6. I don't like dullthings
  7. Chicken. It has legs.
  8. scott_saints


    I'd say about 85% of my mates have tried it. Overrated drug though imo. Ridiculous value for money.
  9. Sounds like you deserved it. If I was a bouncer I would feel inclined to give a good kicking to a bunch of homs taking their tops off whilst dancing.
  10. I will be there waving my season ticket in the air whilst abusing the plastic fans and singing songs against them. Being the super fan I am n' all.
  11. Rupert Lowe, we want to thank you, Michael Wilde, we want to thank you, This total football, is way f**king cool, We're walking this league to the proimised land!! COYR!!!!!
  12. Maybe the "Jaime" is supposed to be "J'aime". Some French weirdo who likes Hatch because he wrecks marriages??
  13. Someone from B Witched? What a shock considering they are planning a "comeback"!!
  14. Judging by your reasoning, does this mean that this years one will be good??
  15. Why wasn't it on last year? Anything to do with the racism etc from the last one??
  16. Today- Work. Stay in tonight. Tuesday- Work. Stay in at night. Xmas eve- Work. People round mine in t'evening for meal. Pub afterwards. Xmas- Pub for the 2 hours it's open. Pack bags for boxing day. Boxing day- F**k off to Italy for teh skiing.
  17. I don't think we had one decent chants on goal in the game.
  18. Ffs!! This probably means that she'll go from a fine laydeh who I'd pay money to marry, to the annoying bint with big t1ts that I want to shoot.
  19. FOB manz 4 life init!1!111!! ur mumz a fool wot111!!1!
  20. Chandlers Ford is a silly place with a silly name, imo.
  21. Overtired. Imo.
  22. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/3988072.Troubled_nightclub_is_forced_to_close/ They can't seem to have a "club" that doesn't come hand in hand with people wanting to fight. Silly little town.
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