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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. The La's - The La's Awesome!
  2. f**king 'ave it!!!! - We're not losing yet!!
  3. Kill a few women. It's all they deserve.
  4. Anyone who thinks he isn't a good footballer, doesn't know much about football.
  5. I also got an email from ITV saying they will be showing coverage of the game in response to the info I gave them regarding the demonstration!
  6. c**t.
  7. Apologies accepted Jilleh. Friday- Went to pub n got teh drunk. Ended up going to town and lost a lorra lorra money in casino. Saturday- Bed all day. Organised with some girl to come and stay round mine for secks. Realised that I'd rather have beer so ignored her and went to pub n got teh drunk. Sunday- Bed all day. Maccers. Pub for Sunday booze club. Walkabout. 7/10
  8. Don't ya just love this club!!
  9. Hmmmm, I take beta blockers every day. I'm still s**t at pool/snooker.
  10. Oh, and by the way- Whilst protesting about Lowe/the board etc, can we also protest about the lack of food stock they hold in the stadium?? They always run out of the good stuff by the time I get there, and my hunger is just as important as this club imo.
  11. Tonight- Pub. Sat- No idea Sun- No idea Should be fun.
  12. (huggles) xxx
  13. I'm a new man.
  14. Is it wrong that me and S13 watched bowls last night and actually got hooked?? Good sport imo. I might f**k this football malarky off!
  15. UPDATE- 1:15 at the Bargate Castle Rough route- Through highstreet, up to kfc, round by the park, down through hoglands, through st marys street past the pubs etc Connor, the organiser of the protest can't seem to access the site (he hasn't been blocked!!) so any further questions regarding the demonstration, email: connor_bowers@hotmail.co.uk
  16. The facebook group states that it's against the running of the club, but tbf we all know that it will be primarily directed at our mate Lowe!
  17. Cheers for bringing it up with the admin team SoB. And cheers admin team!
  18. Exactly my point. Here, I'll even do a message that they could add to a thread regarding the demonstration..... "The Saints Web Forum in no way, promotes the demonstration or associates itself with the running of the demonstration. The information is merely for those who wish to turn up"
  19. Oh c'mon. It's merely informing people that "if they want to" (and you can even include that in the thread to be politically correct!) then the information is there. If a shop allows adverts in their window it doesn't mean they are "associated" with what's there!
  20. ** Please be aware that this demonstration is not being approved or promoted by SaintsWeb Ltd in any way and this thread is only being made a sticky by popular demand. We would like to remind people that the contents of the forum do not necessarily represent the views of SaintsWeb Ltd or their directors and administrative team ** If people are wishing to take part in the demonstration at the Swansea game, then people will be meeting at: 1:15pm at Bargate Castle. Rough route- DOWN PAST HANOVER BUILDINGS, DIAGONAL THROUGH HOGLANDS PARK, NORTHBOUND KINGS WAY, RIGHT INTO OLD NORTHAM ROAD, PAST THE KING ALFRED, OVER IRON BRIDGE AND THEN DOWN BRITANNIA ROAD TO FINISH AT ITCHEN STAND! WE WILL HAVE 2 POLICE MOTOCYCLES WITH US ON THE MARCH PLUS ABOUT 6 OR 8 ON FOOT. Connor, the organiser of the protest can't seem to access the site (he hasn't been blocked!!) so any further questions regarding the demonstration, email: connor_bowers@hotmail.co.uk
  21. Maybe we should also have a sticky on here stating 1:15 at bargate??
  22. 15 year old aint exactly a hottie either.
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