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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Agreed, but we both know that this wont happen don't we?!
  2. I do assume that alot of people will still be protesting at the next home game? Seeing as a few wins shouldn't make our opinons on the board suddenly change, right??
  3. I forgot that I cared so much until last night!!!
  4. I think the prisons are pretty full as it is. Locking up people for throwing a punch or two wouldn't help.
  5. I think the prisons are pretty full as it is. Locking up people for throwing a punch or two wouldn't help.
  6. scott_saints
  7. Looks like they should have had a pen aswell!
  8. Charlie Miller is a possibility. MLT WILL have one- it's just a matter of when. Hopefully whilst he is alive though!
  9. F**kinghell, one win and we're world beaters!! Bearing in mind Cardiff are a decent side who could even be top of the league had they played their games in hand, plus the fact that we're still s**t- I think we'll lose.
  10. Stu is always correct when it comes to voicing his opinions on students. They are all c**ts. Every single one of them.
  11. Tonight- Probably pub Sat- Pub. SMS for teh footeh. Be annoyed that we lost and drown sorrows in pub. Sun- Round the old man's for roast and beer. Bed when home.
  12. Ahhh yes! The one where someone said that the first link "took them straight back here"?? Those were the days.
  13. I wouldn't like to speak too soon Scu. Give it time.
  14. I've been looking forward for the 623rd "google your username" thread for a while now. At last, here it is!
  15. Everyone protesting is too nice, with the whole "we can't do it this Saturday because the police don't want us too". I say, terrorise the man. Get down to his house and make his life a misery. Maybe I should do it on my own??
  16. Romance is for women.
  17. Connor for chairman?
  18. I agree. It's daft as f**k, and I don't plan on rationalising with myself because I quite enjoy hating the skate c**ts.
  19. Get over the whole "looking for a reason" to hate them and embrace the rivalry. Like I said, I hate (well, dislike) the city, the people, and their club and I have no "proper" reason to do so. This is why football rivalries are special
  20. Well I was wrong and lost the moneh. Doesn't matter though, as I won it back at the casino last night. Gotta love gambling!
  21. Oh no. Why does there have to be a conspiracy theory for everything?!!
  22. Me got 20 on it.
  23. But I'm scott_saints and proud of it. This is how scott_saints does things! (said in a scouse accent)
  24. Why are they always so much more proud (in an annoying way) of where they come from? Really p155es me off!! Examples include the Scottish, geordies, scousers, mancs, tykes....etc who feel the need to mention where they come from as much as possible. Scousers are probably the worst. You always get loud scouse women saying "this is how us scousers do things" and the like. There was even one annoying bint like this in that golden balls telly thing recently. Why are Southerners not like this??
  25. Exactly the same idea me and my mates have come up with recently!! I refuse to go to Vodka Revs out of principle due to the problem with c**ts ordering big rounds of stupid drinks. Even if it wasn't a "fast lane" and just a "beer and bottles" bar would help!
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