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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Any one know why they stopped doing it?? (And when did it stop?) Just seen a petition to bring it back on facebook. Have to say, I totally forgot about it but remember some f00king cool balloons in the sky when they used to do it. Should definitely bring it back!
  2. This fred has been everything I could possibly hope for in a "google your username" fred.
  3. I don't work with women, which is good.
  4. I thought this was a must win game?? Just checked the league table and we're still very much in the fight. Strange, seeing as we didn't win.
  5. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
  6. Oh right. Been in there a few times but didn't have a clue that it was anything to do with our Claus!
  7. Claus Lundekvam's buddha bar???
  8. Oh no. Expect another influx of 14 year olds coming to St Marys in their Stone Island after watching the film.
  9. brap
  10. I don't want to sound harsh- but I don't think people will want to be playing against a 9 year old. Might just be me.....
  11. Last game at The Dell for me. Still can't believe what happened to this day!
  12. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/theampersand/archive/2009/03/17/third-coming-the-stone-roses-reunion-meter-now-hovering-at-95.aspx edit- and now denied http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1162675/The-Stone-Roses-WONT-reform-summer-tour-13-years-split.html
  13. There is a f**king god!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Oh yes. My bad. I was getting selfish Jilly and I do apologise.
  15. Tell him to go outside.
  16. 'twas quite scary.
  17. Jilly. Do leave my joke alone. There's a dear..
  18. Your birthday is before that.
  19. Yes thanks. Needed that.
  20. Oh ffs is that today? When everyone suddenly has a Irish uncle or 5th cousin once removed? I don't understand the obsession with St Patricks day- Even more strange that we seem to celebrate it more than St George's day! Also- Who the f**k would WANT to be Irish anyway?? As for the people who go and get a pint of Guinness in the pub "'cause it's St Patrick's day" ........ c**ts. Oh, and good morning.
  21. Correct. Why do things the hard way?
  22. Update- Still smoking regularly at half time and still not getting caught. So smokers, if you wanna do it then do it!
  23. Fri- Public house and then went in to Winch. Average night. My mate got battered by his missus though which was funny. Sat- Pub. St Marys for football. Stayed in with bottle of wine and documentaries/films. Sun- Pub for booze club. Went to casino in evening- not too bad. 6.923/10
  24. Schniderlin??? You mean, the fairy who refuses to tackle and can't win a header?? Yeah, ideal defender.......
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