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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. I'm pretty skint actually. Nice idea!
  2. Never realise how much a bl00dy football club means to me until I think if it not even existing!!
  3. I would. (Keira Knightley that is. Not beat up women)
  4. They shouldn't be expected to take a wage cut atall. If any of them WANTED to though- then fair play to 'em!!
  5. So we're going to struggle to find any buyers? F**k.
  6. Good point. He's done really well so far and proved us all wrong. Oh.
  7. Wouldn't be the same watching a team that always wins and has loads of money. Give me the s**t that is SFC anyday
  8. who would you support? Would you be a neutral? Lose interest in football? I wouldn't ever be able to support another team so I think I may lose nearly all interest in football. (I don't think it will happen.....just thinking of worst case scenario)
  9. I would love it aswell, and I never thought I'd say that!
  10. When we got rid of the saintettes cheerleading us before games.
  11. I might buy some shoes thatare far too big for my feet. Could be a new fashion imo.
  12. Tickets still easy to get? Have decided today that I might go up with a few mates on the train.
  13. Dodgy- Free peace sweet
  14. I think Mr Justin Timberlake was the person the students copied with this one. But I'm sure Beckham has one.
  15. Ok to wear or gay? http://imagecache.asos.com/inv/R/24/120/467524/Navy/image1xl.jpg
  16. Bwp?
  17. You've been listening to your brother too much!!
  18. Tbf, the automatic image that came in my head was white linen trousers which are as hom as you can get imo. Black ones are acceptable-ish.
  19. About as manly as Graham Norton. But I don't mind you wearing them stevo. You wouldn't be the same without your gay choice in clothes and music x
  20. To you
  21. I didn't lol.
  22. At every game this season I have gone got to my seat about 10 minutes into the game. I go for a beer at 35 minutes and return at approximately 50 minutes. I have left early on 3 occasions due to s**t performances. I have also abused plastic fans this season by waving my season ticket in the air at the Man United game. I have been to two away games and can't remember much of either due to being there for the beer rather than the football. Vote me.
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