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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. I recommend Eastleigh for a weekend getaway.
  2. Being of a young age I haven't experienced too many yet, but do have plans on gaying it up around the globe. Beaches, beer, and bareback. That's my motto.
  3. Any good gay destinations anyone can recommend?
  4. Spent the last few hours giving the GD album a go.....and it's taken me 2 listens to deicde it's better than American Idiot...imo. 8/10 from me. Agree with pontywonty about track 14 aswell. (and I'm now off to do some moon stomping whilst listening to Ska Mania )
  5. Marmaduke Duke- Pandemonium Some very catchy tunes. I like.
  6. A new manager has been approached????!!!! I'll sleep better tonight after hearing such great news on a internet forum by someone who can't name his source or the manager in question. Thanks.
  7. The problem at home last season, was quite often due to the away team scoring more goals than we did, imo.
  8. Would she fork out a similar amount to "treat" you? If not, get the bint to pay half. HTH
  9. I hope your missus is paying half.
  10. I also thought the chorus would make for a good chant at SMS. Not that it'd ever happen, seeing as we can't seem to sing anything that's more than a few words long.
  11. Good song tbf.
  12. I too hope MB's saucey friend is correct.
  13. Bogeys will add more sweetness, rather than spicyness imo.
  14. What's on yours? House key Work key Car key GMB keyring That's it. Although I used to have a monkey with a willy that came out when squeezed.
  15. But will I get drunkded?
  16. Ponty, stop flirting with me. xx
  17. Two slices of bread 2 table spoons of sugar Spread sugar evenly over one slice Place other slice on top Cut in half Sugar sandwich.
  18. I don't get it.
  19. Will I get p1ssed if I drink it?
  20. Women care about them. F**k knows why.
  21. They should cancel it to save the embarrasment..... OR find a reason for people to turn up (a buyer for the club + more big names confirmed as playing).
  22. What an attention seeking clown.
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