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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Would anyone know why this is?
  2. Absolutely disgusting. However, people seem to feel sorry for "big" animals and animals human's are attached to more than smaller animals. I mean, whan I was younger I've put salt on snails, put a deodorant flame thrower on flies, pulled off wings etc. I know it doesn't seem so bad- but it's similar I suppose, and many people (mainly kids) do such things. Ponteh does have a point though- I suppose with bigger animals there's the thought of "lets f**king kick it in!" which is horrible. Can't believe the bloke just watched!
  3. Anyone watch road wars on the tellybox? One of the Thames Valley lot wears a saints pin badge quite regularly Oh, sorry I've gone away fromt he debate. Ermmmmm.... immigrants out??
  4. Agree. I said earlier today how it makes me laugh when plastic Man U/Chelsea fans etc have the cheek to laugh at me for supporting a league one club! Sorry, but is it meant to f**king offend me? I laugh at THEM for thinking I care. Would much rather support Saints in league 1 or any league for that matter, than be a plastic arm chair fan of one of the big 4!!
  5. I'd blooming love to be in a plane crash! (Preferably surving, though)
  6. 80 Million! How f**king ridiculous!!
  7. I have told a fair few firemen who went on strike that I think they were c**ts for doing so.
  8. Nah. There will be life, but it wont be human life.
  9. To laugh at people on here. I'd do the same.
  10. Of course firemen don't get as much as they should, but why go on strike about the f**king wages that you ACCEPTED! F**king retards- and that's all people who go on strike for a better wage.
  11. All the ex saints looked rather poor last night.
  12. bump..
  13. Did they not agree to their wages when they accepted the job?
  14. The post count is wrong anyway. It all went tits up a while back when the site was having a few problems. Although, I'm glad that happened as my post count was nearly halved- now I don't look so sad
  15. Yay, another myth.
  16. bbc news paddy power play facebook ibiza spotlight glass ass
  17. Looks like he is in with a chants of winning.
  18. Just read this- can't believe some of you actually took it seriously!! Someone on a innernet forum to be the person to exclusively reveal everything at midnight?
  19. Nahhh. We don't care about you anymore.
  20. Aren't we supposed to do this when we're actually due a new kit?
  21. Will the gay love in continue with the Southend fans next season???
  22. Come on Brighton!! You'll walk this league!!
  23. I think the only thing we can win next year is "nicest stadium" No?
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