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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Both Eastleigh and Totton count as "Greater Southampton"
  2. FAO: People who believe the moon landings were faked. F**k off to America.
  3. The yoof will teach them all a lesson in football violence, f'sure.
  4. Problem is, with all the major trophies we have won over the years, the museum would have to be massive. Oh...
  5. The yoof will sort 'em out, no doubt.
  6. How does the birthday song go?
  7. He's saving our club He's saving our cluuuuuub He's Markus Liebherr He's saving our club
  8. Excellent suggestion, FC.
  9. Don't do it. Thank me later.
  10. If it's Strachan I'll stick an obscure object up my bum and run around Southampton city centre naked. If it's not, I may consider doing it anyway.
  11. up.
  12. ".....and change my facebook status to RIP MJ"
  13. WGS would still select him for the starting line up!
  14. I wasn't aware of this. I will shut up. xx
  15. What I meant is, the 125th anniversary is officialy the second half of this season and also the first half of next season- judging by years in existance. Makes sense to make next season the official anniversary, mind.
  16. It's this season and/or next season, depending on how you look at it I suppose.
  17. We now need to nominate another player to sing stupid songs about this season....
  18. I would actually release a bit of love wee if this happened. Wouldn't put money on it, mind...
  19. Don't like it, but will buy it anyway. Do like that carving though!
  20. Maybe we might even top the amount of season tickets we had last season??
  21. The yoof will not like this idea.
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