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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Join us Mr Lewis, we'll show you the ropes of the all day liver ruining session.
  2. Gonna buy 4 tickets tomorrow. All got the next day off work, so train and getting stupidly drunk it is.....
  3. From their forum: "1. Pompey outweigh the scummers on ALL attendance facts. All time attn, Largest ave attn. Our reserves have attracted a bigger gate than their 1st team ever has etc..." :lol:
  4. dluker@saintsfc.co.uk
  5. hornyguy_4u@hotmail.com
  6. Oh, and we have no chance of keeping Rasiak. Take a step back and be realistic people, we're in league 1.
  7. Fair play to him. Leaves us a bit f**ked, mind.
  8. Copy cat.
  9. Man United Boro Norwich Notts County Celtic
  10. To Basingstoke, then to Reading, then to Swindon. Bit inconvenient but driving is not an option due to the copious amounts of alcohol we plan on drinking.
  11. Didn't realise how awkward it was to get to on the train. 2 hours? It's down the road ffs! That said, I will still be travelling on the train. The best way to travel to away games imo.
  12. I reckon if we were relegated then we'd have a higher AVERAGE attendance for the whole season......but only due to 1 or 2 crunch games where sms would sell out. A mid table season would see more high attendances, but wouldn't have any sms sell outs, resulting in a lower average attendance for the season.
  13. Nothing to do with players "giving their all". Doing well=Higher crowds Not doing well=Lower crowds. It's really that simple, and it's the same at all clubs.
  14. Japanase Psychology student??
  15. Nah. Women's football should be illegal.
  16. Black Grape- It's great when you're straight...Yeah!
  17. Pompey would sell 10,000 season tickets easily though if they were in our position........
  18. Sadly I have no sound pancake. I'm aware that it was from Barichello but I can't see Barichello infront of Massa so it seemed strange from the video how the spring is practically flying towards Massa.
  19. Right, this spring that hit Massa..... Where the f**k did it come from?
  20. Don't get tanned=Don't get tanned lines. Simples. Nowt wrong with being white.
  21. scott_saints


    Random facts etc blah blah blah. We're not a big club, but we're a bigger club than Pompey. I have no facts or stats to back up this claim. I just know it to be true xx
  22. Sorry. Couldn't be arsed.
  23. scott_saints


    Pompey really shouldn't argue about attendances. Just looking at those stats shows there is only one clear winner.
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