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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Original idea is the best. Don't change it! You'll never get a song that pleases everyone so stick with this.....and it actually has a few more words in it which would be rare for us!
  2. F**k it- everyone is moaning that we don't have enough songs so LEARN THIS ONE!! Make it a sticky or something. We need a new song, with more than a few words. If I don't hear this at the next home game, I'll murder Lambert just to p155 you all off!
  3. I'm now back to releasing love wee from my willy, instead of smoke from my ears.
  4. No.
  5. Good job I chose to wait for it to be official, it seems......
  6. Gotta love Saints!
  7. I would do, but am waiting for the news to be more official first (confirmed on OS)
  8. Good song that Yellow Submarine one. Get it going people!!
  9. Oh Ricky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Ricky.... Or not?
  10. How close is the ground to the station?
  11. Good guess.
  12. I'm starting to debate giving up. Thing is, there's almost not much point of me smoking and also not much point in me giving up. I'm a proper social smoker and can go a whole week without a cigarette crossing my mind. However, I can then go and smoke 30 or so when drinking at the weekend only to go back to not giving two s**ts about smoking. Not really gaining much by smoking and I wouldn't say I'm addicted to smoking- but addicted to smoking when drinking (and there's no way I'm giving that up...). Hmmmmmm.....
  13. Tbf, I don't expect people to learn the whole song but even a repeat of the chorus would be good. And it's unique to us!
  14. Woolston ferry.
  15. I loved the way how he really seemed to just love the reception he got. What a grin on his face when he walked past the Northam, and then all the handshakes and high fives in the Kingsland was awesome!
  16. MLT would never get a bad reception from me at St Marys. I'd probably still want to marry him if he murdered Liebherr.
  17. RIP. Was it actually possible NOT to like the man?! I'm glad he got a good send off last week though for the charity game.
  18. I wonder what that's like....
  19. Yeah, but they've won trophies I'll have you know.
  20. Good weather is overrated anyway.
  21. I have an idea. I may start up as a local comedian and tour around various clubs in Southampton as a Pompey fan trying to say how we are a bigger club and have a better record of attendances. Would get many a laugh methinks.
  22. I think for comfort's sake I will pass, due to obese friend and crates of beer. Cheers anyway!
  23. Surely not room for 4 of us.....especially as one of them basically counts as two....
  24. I actually get some sort of sick pleasure from skates trying to justify that their attendances are better than us, bless 'em.
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