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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Seems we didn't have anywhere near the sort of possession needed for "total football"
  2. My life feels normal again with the return of this feeling on Saturday. FFS!!!!!!!
  3. Cardiff goal!! FFS
  4. Last minute of normal time. Cardiff free kick....
  5. We can't keep the ball!
  6. Great save by Davis. Should of been a goal from a header.
  7. Sounds like Cardiff all over us on Radio Wales.
  8. They're probably there to see Derby tbf.
  9. Thank feck for the goal.... but doesn't sound very promising on sky sports tbf!!
  10. Sky sports reckon Cardiff are all over us. Bad times.
  11. Best- Petrol, my farts, cut grass, rain on pavement that has been dry for a while, the smell of any food whilst p1ssed, seaside, play-doh. Worst- Joop for men, other people's farts, body odour, a "clipped" cigarette, the smell of a bad hangover, clunges, pewp, dog breathe, sewerage.
  12. I had a few "accidents" on junior school trips. Didn't tell my mates though and just sorted it myself by asking cleaners for new sheets etc! Thing that used to f**K me off, was when the parents were telling me to stop doing it.....I wasn't f**king CHOOSING to do it!! Good job those days are behind me now, as I don't think teh wimminz would be too impressed in the mornings!
  13. Damnit!! I thought I was the ultimate bed wetter! Well done sir.
  14. I know. No doubt I'll give up and f**k off to the pub with a few cuts on my hands. Will probably ring up one of my "handy" mates to do it for a fiver.
  15. Tonight- Pub. w00t Sat- Buy a new fan belt for car as mine shredded yesterday. Try to put it on. Pub in t'evening or break into Sanctuary. Sun- Bed all day. Possibly SWF footeh in afternoon.
  16. I can confirm that out of everyone I know, I wet the bed the longest. I was still p1ssing the sheets when I was 10! :cool:
  17. I'll probably go to the local and have a beer.
  18. Merry Cwistmas xXxXxXx
  19. Who wants to buy me christmas presents??
  20. What are your plans for the festive period?? New years resolutions??
  21. Real men don't cry atall. I am not a real man though.
  22. What do they actually do??
  23. I hate it when girls keep pestering me for secks.
  24. Martin Derrick
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