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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Mercs all other adverts imo.
  2. ..... and there was me thinking it was to drink as much beer and sleep with as many women as possible!
  3. Oh. That's fine then. I thought he was doing something abnormal for a minute then...
  4. MB, why is a picture of s13 now your avatar??
  5. Oh dear. Does it really matter people??
  6. How much for your teh willeh?
  7. £80,000
  8. Can I have her number?
  9. This happened to me many a time, until she eventually met someone else.... which was a good thing as it stopped the circle repeating itself!!
  10. Sums you lot up. Thanks.
  11. Meh. She wasn't too great anyway Cabbage. That is all.
  12. Have you had a teh nervous breakdance before then??
  13. MB, put me on the list or die.
  14. Has he got deaded??
  15. I'm pretty awful, but have been know to serve up a reasonable pasta dish. As for my brother, he once tried cooking pasta without water.
  16. Friday- Went to teh public house. Sat- Got a new fan belt for my car in the morning. Made my step dad fit it for me. Went to pub in t'evening. Sun- Went to a different pub for a bit. Then played teh playstation with a mate in the day. Watched Mission Impossible 3 in t'evening and slept. 7/10
  17. A, Ghosts - Yes, as I think I've seen one. Whether they're linked to death is an entirely different subject though imo. B, U.F.O. - Yes. What a stupid question though. Do I believe in flying objects that are unidentified?? Well 'course I bl00dy do. In the same way I believe in unidentified NON flying objects. Whether they're linked to aliens is an entirely different subject though imo. C, Moon landings - I'm not a yank and therefore not obsessed with conspiracy theories, so yes I do believe these happened. D, Roswell - Sure. Why not. E, GOD - Some mush who sits in the clouds and lets people bomb other people and fly planes into buildings? Nah. F, 9/11 - I'm not a yank therefore not obsessed with conspiracy theories, so yes I do believe this happened. And it was nothing to do with the government!! G, Father Christmas - More believable than "God" anyway!
  18. What was the attendance? This is the only thing that matters ffs!!
  19. 32% possession? And some people think we played well?!
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