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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Where the f**k do you live?? Brighton??
  2. I would have chose Ferdinand personally, not that it will make much difference either way.
  3. Well, his nickname is "Bay". He doesn't like it when we're on a lads holiday though and girls ask why he is called said nickname!!
  4. Well if they are men...... I still would.
  5. Nah but he was obviously pretty f00king p1ssed off with her!! He takes the stick well tbf!
  6. 4, 8 and 9 would get lucky with me.
  7. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article72560.ece
  8. Just imagine if your Mum was caught dogging by police in a tent on a beach. Loads of men having a go, and your Dad watching.... followed by a page spread in The Sun and Echo about your Mummy. We still laugh at my friend to this day!
  9. I was watching the penis program instead.
  10. Le Tissier?? Hunchback of Notredam mask with a Saints shirt. Easy.
  11. Smoked cheese is teh tits
  12. I haven't been once yet, and I'm not bothered atall as I'm clever enough to realise it wont be much different from Ikon/Diva, which I thought were as good as cancer. I can't wait 'til novelty wears off and I stop seeing "Oceana!!!!!" photo albums on facebook. Also, 'tis true that they should actually try to pull in some big names instead of Dave from Shirley playing Neyo and Usher!
  13. Why do some people not consider games important if they're early in the season?? Just as important as any other game imo.
  14. Started at Wyvern as a nipper and stayed there 'til early teens Then played for Earls for a good few of years before the team folded Couple of training sessions with Totton. Realised it was far too serious for me! Fair Oak for 1 year (they were sh1t but I just wanted to play) Back to Earls for another year or 2. Met beer after that and stopped playing/coaching.
  15. Friday- Round mates' house for beers. Went to town n' got p1ssed. Sat- Pub, footeh at sms, gathering at my house, went to a "rave" in a field but it had finished, went back to mine and got more p1ssed. Not much sleep. Sun- Pub, watch tv at home, sleep. 7/10
  16. The money HAS dried up. They've said it themselves. Pompey promised the fans 3 "major" signings and have said they can't afford the 3rd.
  17. Does anyone actually go there??
  18. http://www.marketresearch.org.uk/ ??
  19. Tonight- Pub Sat- Pub, SMS for footeh, back home for house party at mine (sorry, none of you are invited) Sun- Bed all day. Expected score- 8/10
  20. A nice, simple "brap" is alot easier. Ask teh youth of teh day.
  21. I also wouldn't. Annoying bint n' all.
  22. Ok.
  23. He wouldn't get out of bed for anything less than 50k p/a ffs Ponteh!!
  24. If you weren't a smoker, you may have caught him
  25. It's not big or clever to wish death upon a fellow human being. In this case, I don't give a s**t and hope the c**t dies a slow painful death. Rot in hell twitchy!!
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