scott_saints: *Rings the ambulance*.....
Ambulance: Hello
scott_saints: Saintkiptanui needs an ambulance
Ambulance: Ok, why does he need an ambulance and where is he?
scott_saints: I don't know why he needs an ambulance but he's missing
Ambulance: And where is he?
scott_saints: Dunno. Not on t'interweb though
Ambulance: Ermmm ok
scott_saints: Hurry up.... he might have a cucumber up his bum ffs!!!
Ambulance: Weirdo. Bye.
Because September is the 9th month, and Bin Laden has figered his bum 9 times. Also the 11th because 1+1=2, and Bin Laden has 2 testicles, allegedly.
Simple, really.