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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. I'm quite worried by my reaction of audibly laughing when I saw they had scored. We suck...lol.
  2. But, Stu used to be in the..... Oh.
  3. Mcdonalds drive thru in Hedge End.
  4. Too true. Being male is alot more fun than being a Doris!! (My ex missus also didn't "get" South Park- Silly bint!)
  5. Because we're s**t. End of. Humans in being attracted to good rather than bad shocker!
  6. It must be boring being a laydeh. How can they not find this funny ffs?!!
  7. Also saw that one at Bournemouth. Feck me is the thing loud!!
  8. I'd give it to charity.
  9. I didn't expect to see an argument on the computer game forum
  10. Prutton?
  11. Has that c**t Blaine got another idea then?
  12. Well I'm sure that house doesn't belong to someone with OCD.
  13. Seems a perfectly plausible theory. If Saints don't start winning soon, I feel sorry for the kids of Southampton
  14. I recognise him but not sure how. Says his family home was in Fair Oak so must have seen him about round this way. Anyway, he is a c**t for doing such a thing.
  15. I don't think the £5 plan has worked too well.
  16. What did you c**ts get up to then? Fri- Pub Sat- SMS for footeh. Back home for house party. Went on 'til 6.30am and now the old b@stard from next door is complaining that we were too noisy and he will phone the police next time. Fecking old codger! Sun- Bed all day, whilst ignoring knocks on the door every half hour from the old c**t wanting to complain. 7/10
  17. No, in my job I couldn't kill someone if I had ctrl + delete the wrong way round. I don't really plan on getting such a job either. On to the "thickos"..... You have made it seem like I've labelled ALL people who go in the army as thick. I merely pointed out that there is a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of these types of people (didn't know what to do, so went in the army) You also mentioned the tests etc that you need to do, but that wasn't really the sort of "thick" I meant. I know a few people in the army, and they may be educationally clever but 3 out of the 4 of them are c**ts who love to fight- before they went in the army and still now. I count them as thick, although a written test may not show this. All I'm saying is there seems to be quite alot of these types.
  18. True. When I think army I think typical battlefield combat units. Out of the 4 people I know quite well who joined the army, 3 are absolute thick c**ts who know nothing but fighting. But I suppose these are the types that would never progress into the more skilled jobs.
  19. I laso agree with Stu. It was f00king embarrasing I tell thee. Although, it did reinforce my opinion that the army has a significant population of thick people who didn't know what else to do (jobwise) so decided to shoot the "ragheads" for money.
  20. I reckonz he has a cucumber stuck up his bum.
  21. I do think we still have a larger fanbase than Pompey, but atleast they know how to support their team better than we do.
  22. Tonight- Pub Sat- Pub, sms for teh footeh, party at my house (according to my mates anyway) Sun- Bed.
  23. http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16824791663
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