No, in my job I couldn't kill someone if I had ctrl + delete the wrong way round. I don't really plan on getting such a job either.
On to the "thickos"..... You have made it seem like I've labelled ALL people who go in the army as thick. I merely pointed out that there is a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT of these types of people (didn't know what to do, so went in the army)
You also mentioned the tests etc that you need to do, but that wasn't really the sort of "thick" I meant. I know a few people in the army, and they may be educationally clever but 3 out of the 4 of them are c**ts who love to fight- before they went in the army and still now. I count them as thick, although a written test may not show this. All I'm saying is there seems to be quite alot of these types.