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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. It is. I have been trying to adopt a male innernet persona to honour scott e dawg.
  2. Don't see why they deleted the thread here earlier. Yeah, there was a bit of handbags but that thread was what the muppet show SHOULD be like!
  3. Well, most of us didn't go.... but we know enough to be sure that it was cr@p. I'm sure they realise this too.
  4. This is happening alot in my workplace. The job gets advertised, but the department have already decided who the job is going to (someone from the department).
  5. Agreed. Great album!
  6. A fan is someone who supports their team or "follows" their team. You can be the biggest thug or hooligan in the world. Doesn't mean you're not a fan.
  7. Yeah. Blood n' everything.
  8. I just gave birth to a brown baby boy.
  9. lolz. Would never catch you pushing a trolley would I?
  10. Why does everyone always nod their head when the person speaking makes eye contact with them? p1sses me off, and even more so because I realised that I also do it. I made a conscious effort to stop nodding but STILL couldn't do it. I'd hate to be a manager taking a meeting, with all the fecking Churchill dog wannabe's looking back at me!
  11. scott_saints killed himself. It's his mother who now posts under this username.
  12. Did Swansea celebrate by smashing up their city? That's what real fans do.
  13. That's what he came HERE for.
  14. Gambled and lost- £100 Money owed- £375 Strippers in Magaluf- £Idon'twanttofindout
  15. Never liked this game anyway.
  16. lolocaust
  17. Is that bad?
  18. Perry at the corner spot? Perhaps the Saints players are drunk?
  19. What do you expect me to do after just coming in on my dead son ffs?! Oh, he was listening to a Saints game. May aswell listen with you lot now!! What does offside mean?
  20. I'm gonna need more beer for this. Gimme a mo...
  21. This is Scott's mum. Who the f**k are you people?!!! I've just walked into his room only to find Scott hung from a rope with this site open. What did you tell him to do?!!!!
  22. Corner!!!! We always score from them......... Not.
  23. Ffs!!! I've already got the hotel booked for Wembley aswell!
  24. It was over before kick off, due to how much we suck ass.
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