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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. You mean.....an SWF waterfight?? I'm in.
  2. If I was Antares I would be lol'ing at Earth big time.
  3. We haven't lost once this season when Skacel has been in the line up. He HAS to be picked!!
  4. Done. We've lost enough in and around the city already and this would be yet another blow!!
  5. Prince Charles is a royal mail.
  6. Considering I was part of this competition, I think 70 is a bit of an exaggeration. Was about 40, which was still s**t loads!! I was a goner at 10!
  7. If I died I wouldn't be alive.
  8. 5 will make you get down now...
  9. The current lapotp is a Novatech. I broke the screen and the thing is pretty slow now so I thought I'd use it as a chance to "upgrade". Does the one in the link look decent then??
  10. I was not aware of me liking such music :confused:
  11. I sh@gged S13's mum. lolz.
  12. It is top secret information. HTH
  13. Right, I am basically clueless as to what makes a good laptop but just after a few ideas really. £300 is my ideal limit. Any help appreciated!
  14. No. HTH
  15. I have never said there are no wimminz. There are loads. Just not many of the fire fighting type. Some are pretty hawt aswell.
  16. Bought in yesterday and have found myself drving twice the speed as I was before the purchase. Good album.
  17. In the Northam?? As I know someone who is also going with 11 mates....he may be one of your mates
  18. I want to sh@g a phit goth wimminz.
  19. S13 takes foundation with him to work on a daily basis. This is fact.
  20. Tonight- DJ'ing at fancy dress party. Going as a scouser n' will look like a t-w@t! Sat- Pub. SMS for teh footeh. Pub again. Sun- Bed. Go to pub and maybe town as I have Monday off work. Monday- Bed all day. May go and buy new clothes if I can be arsed!
  21. Moisturiser does count, but only if you use it regularly. If you NEED it once in a while for dry skin then it is acceptable.
  22. Any real man would never put any form of cosmetics on his face. Oh, I have used "poofdust" before (foundation) so I'll leave that as an exception.
  23. We're male. We don't judge random women on: 1) "Prettyness"- you could have a face like a cows arse and still be "pretty" 2) Good personalities. We just want tappable wimminz. You know nothing.
  24. Is the c**t dead yet?
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