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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. May I have a new one please?? Fell free to choose one for me. Gheyness being the usual theme of course!
  2. I can confirm that I am happy being a flid.
  3. I wish I was a mong.
  4. I don't find this amusing.
  5. Biggest city in the world??
  6. My favourite is edam, as it's made backwards. (I feel good now, I haven't had a chance to say that one for a good month or 2! )
  7. It's only the brie that puts me off. It's disgusting!
  8. Don't you love seeing it in your poo afterwards though??
  9. Sounds absolutely vile.
  10. lolocaust
  11. 5 and 6 I s'pose. What's with all the thunder thighs?
  12. I'd do him in my 1.1 easily!
  13. I used to have an hour session each week coaching football to a group with downs syndrome. Provided me with muchos entertainment! Decent bunch they were!
  14. That is f**king pathetic.
  15. My mate is a taxi driver, and Calum Best was in his car on Friday night in Southampton. Got picked up from FYEO, and then asked to be dropped off at a brothel. Taxi driver told him that he didn't really know of any apart from the places you wouldn't want to be seen. Calum Best got a call after this and decided to go to another nightspot in town anyway. Why the f**k would he need a prostitute though?!
  16. I hate space. It's far too confusing!! And how the f**k can something go on forever?!!! Woah, I need to stop thinking like this it's only morning!
  17. It seems you are not quite the sexpert.
  18. Oh dear oh dear. Please give up
  19. I'd kill myself if I was Pluto (not the Disney character!).
  20. Stone Roses- Stone Roses Awesarrrrrrrm!!
  21. It seems your key was on the ball today.
  22. eye wood
  23. I dunno if there's many other sites like that Baj, but if there isn't then you could be on to a winner here. Edit- scratch that. You may aswell look at the "items ending soonest" section on ebay, no??
  24. I always think Britain is great. Would hate to be anywhere else. People just complain too much.
  25. If they catch Bin Laden, they should send him to Robsk's house for the rest of his life, where Robert will bring him breakfast in bed everyday and makes him cups of tea and coffee when our Binny requires it.
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