The beef and mustard Brannigans are also a favourite of mine, but are sold in few places
PL- You work in Eastleigh don't you?? Have a visit to Martins newsagent as they sell them in there!
I personally believe that Kettle chips are overrated and that people are psychologically fooled by the "posh" packaging.
They are quite nice, but are just normal crisps that happen to be slightly harder.
Fri- Went to a "rave" in the Cricks Fair Oak. Went to a mate's house after and drunk more.
Sat- Not much in day. Winchester in t'evening. Got drunkded.
Sun- Bed all day.
Football fans in "not quite so bothered about their team when they're doing s**t, but if the team were to start winning again the passion would return for the club, until they start doing s**t again" shocker!
It seems we haven't had a poll on here for a while. They used to be a reasonably regular occurence.
Mods, can we please have a poll....about anything?? Even if itis something as boring as INS's next avatar.
Scott e dawg xx