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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. That toilet sounds pretty 'armful to me!!
  2. Flame grilled steak flavour is not acceptable?
  3. 'tis true I have got them there before. Another one is the newsagent opposite the guildhall.
  4. I get it to a certain degree, f**king winter sucks ass! (But I also don't like being too hot, so I can't really win!)
  5. I assure you that they are sold there.
  6. The beef and mustard Brannigans are also a favourite of mine, but are sold in few places PL- You work in Eastleigh don't you?? Have a visit to Martins newsagent as they sell them in there!
  7. I personally believe that Kettle chips are overrated and that people are psychologically fooled by the "posh" packaging. They are quite nice, but are just normal crisps that happen to be slightly harder.
  8. All fat women are fat. And I do not find ANY fat women attractive.
  9. Maybe it's just age. Is it possible to acquire such cretinous ****ness in the space of two years??
  10. I wish I was a cretinous ****
  11. Fri- Went to a "rave" in the Cricks Fair Oak. Went to a mate's house after and drunk more. Sat- Not much in day. Winchester in t'evening. Got drunkded. Sun- Bed all day.
  12. Football fans in "not quite so bothered about their team when they're doing s**t, but if the team were to start winning again the passion would return for the club, until they start doing s**t again" shocker!
  13. Ghey bundle imo.
  14. Don't be silly. If it ever happened, it would be 2am on a Monday- not a Sunday.
  15. Lay in bed, seeing as I do this most hours. 'tis enjoyable.
  16. Perhaps we could have a poll asking if we should have a poll for INS's next avatar!!
  17. It seems we haven't had a poll on here for a while. They used to be a reasonably regular occurence. Mods, can we please have a poll....about anything?? Even if itis something as boring as INS's next avatar. Scott e dawg xx
  18. I used to cry when people called me a "durr brain".
  19. That's better Cheers pumpkin. Scott e dawg xxx
  20. MB, Could you please make that a little wider please as I'm struggling to see it. Thanks Scott e dawg xxx
  21. Brilliant.
  22. Post plans please people (Damn that alliteration was phat y'all!) Tonight- Pub Sat- Probably pub Sun- Probably pub
  23. It seems I have some climbing to do.
  24. What level of flid am I on??
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