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Everything posted by scott_saints

  1. Of course he aint. He's a politician and therefore, what he says and what he does are two different stories.
  2. Possibly. But I think our American friends are a bit OTT on the patriotism malarky.
  3. I reckon if the prime minister shouted "God bless the Uk" everyone would point and laugh. And throw eggs. Silly Americans.
  4. Infraction on the way probably, but I did lol!
  5. Nick Griffin is a nice chap. Just misunderstood
  6. I'm so glad that us Britons aren't like the yanks. Loads of people in the crowd were crying when he was giving his talk afterwards. How f**king sad! If a prime minister ever started shouting out "God bless the United Kingdom" and people started crying in their speeches, it would be time to end it all methinks.
  7. Obama.
  8. It's ashame that the "implied racism" rule has just come in. We could have had a field day.
  9. No chance mate. They're far too good to go down I'm afraid.
  10. We have 176s tickets initially. We should be able to take that easily!
  11. I plan on living so much that it kills me.
  12. For Saturday?? Seeing as we won without him n' all that!!
  13. A whoosh would be nice. I haven't been teh whooshed in a while.
  14. meow.
  15. Aint that bad. Awesome "no thrills" pub imo :cool:
  16. Don't say that word!! INS will get upset!!
  17. Maybe, just maybe he has done things that were good aswell?? Just a thought like...
  18. I hate birthdays. I don't like recieving unwanted attention and congrats for waking up and being a day closer to death.
  19. Don't wear one. It's easier.
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